Showing posts with label conspiracies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracies. Show all posts

Sunday 6 June 2010

Musings on a Secret Space Program‏

The following guest article is by UFO historian Richard Dolan, author of the book UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991.


Musings on a Secret Space Program‏
By Richard Dolan

Slowly, by degrees, I have come to the opinion that there is a secret space program. I recall, for instance, wondering about the alleged anomalies on Mars early on in my research. Back then, I was in correspondence with an individual who had impressive scientific and intelligence credentials. Attempting to feel him out on the topic, I wrote something a bit flippant about Mars, primarily to see what his reaction would be. Sure enough, he replied soberly that I should not dismiss these anomalies, that there were in fact many people within the classified world who took them seriously.

That’s when I realized, very concretely, that the notion of space anomalies was indeed a serious topic. I began to consider: if there is covert interest in the anomalies on Mars, would there be a covert space program to investigate? To this day, I don’t know the answer with certainty, but over the years I have encountered no shortage of quiet, serious-minded people who tell me of their knowledge that there is such a covert program. One component of this, it appears, has to do with the Moon. Are there bases on the far side of the Moon? Again, I do not know for sure, but I cannot rule it out. More than once, people I consider to be informed insiders have steered me in this direction.

There is another reason to suppose the existence of an advanced, clandestine space program. An enormous amount of video of space missions has been downloaded and is available for anyone to see. These include missions of NASA, the European Space Agency, Russia, and China. Much of this was downloaded and made available by a gentleman named Jeff Challender, who unfortunately died in 2007. Jeff spent an enormous part of his life downloading and reviewing – very carefully – video recordings of those missions. There can be no denying that there has been a great deal of activity in Earth’s orbit. Much of what was recorded undoubtedly has conventional explanations. But, frankly, many events do not offer easy explanations. I firmly believe there is something unusual going on in Earth’s orbit. Fortunately, after Jeff’s death, I was able to upload his entire site and attach it to my own. His site, known as Project Prove, now has a permanent home at

Look at it this way. If you believe there are anomalies on Mars, and if you acknowledge strange activity in Earth’s orbit, you would have a very good reason to initiate a secret space program, would you not? You would want a way to investigate these things in a way that would not be seen by the prying eyes of the public.

I’ve also come to the opinion over the years that part of the classified world – the part that deals with the ET reality – has essentially “broken away” from our own conventional civilization. That is, utilizing the jumpstart they received by studying exotic, alien technology, they have very likely achieved scientific breakthroughs that they have not shared with the rest of us. I think that these breakthroughs have enabled them to employ technologies substantially beyond what we are using, and that in all likelihood this too has contributed to their secret space program.

It’s important to emphasize that the above is primarily conjecture on my part. I consider it my working hypothesis. Proving it will to take a great deal of effort and dedication. It also means not being sucked in by every new person who has claimed to have traveled to Mars. We need to remain clear headed.

Richard Dolan
Rochester, New York
June 3, 2010

Tuesday 18 May 2010

RAF Rudloe Manor and the UFO Files

The following guest article is by Rupert Matthews, author of the book Roswell.


RAF Rudloe Manor and the UFO Files
By Rupert Matthews

I think I first heard about the highly secretive military base at Rudloe Manor when I used to go down to visit relatives in Bath. That would have been sometime in the 1970s. We went to visit local sites, including Lacock Abbey, Solsbury Hill and Bath Abbey.

One time we went to see the Box Tunnel - that great engineering marvel of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. As we stood watching the trains thundering up and down the main line from London to Bristol I noticed a high wire fence topped by barbed wire and hung with notices indicating that dire penalties would come to anyone who strayed over the fence.

"What’s over there?" I asked my uncle.

He glanced at the fence. "Oh, some RAF place," he replied. "Very hush hush." And we went back to watching the trains.

That was during the Cold War, of course, and everyone who knew about Rudloe Manor assumed that the highly secretive things that went on there had something to do with tracking Soviet aircraft, intercepting Soviet radio messages or some other top secret defensive purpose. It never crossed our minds back then that Rudloe Manor had anything to do with UFOs.

It was not until some 20 years later that I began to hear rumours that the well guarded base at Rudloe Manor might have some UFO link. One of the boys I had been at school with was by then a Flight Lieutenant in the RAF. One time when he was on leave and we were down the pub I mentioned about RAF Rudloe Manor. He fixed me with a cool stare.

"I don’t know what goes on there," he said. "And I suggest you don’t ask too many questions. Brass hats can get very touchy about places like that."

"Interesting," I thought.

By the later 1990s the rumours had begun to take a more definite form. All the information came from serving or former RAF personnel who had worked at Rudloe Manor. Understandably, these people preferred to remain anonymous as they feared the government might prosecute them for breaching the Official Secrets Act. A perfectly reasonable concern, but it had the effect of making it impossible to check whether these witnesses had ever worked at Rudloe Manor and, if so, in what capacity. Inevitably this led some to suspect that the stories were not as reliable as they might be.

According to these reports, there was a vast underground complex beneath the apparently innocuous barracks and office buildings scattered in the grounds of the old manor house. This much could be checked out and was accurate. The manor had been taken over by the RAF at the start of World War II precisely because these huge underground caverns existed. They were the abandoned workings from which the much prized Bath Stone had been quarried out in the 19th century. Being deep underground the tunnels and caves were, of course, proof against German bombing. From 1940 onward a whole range of government and military units and installations were located in the tunnels of Rudloe Manor where they would be safe from the Luftwaffe. Much of what went on there at the time is now well known and while it was all vital to the war effort is hardly controversial.

When the war ended, however, the government did not return Rudloe Manor and its underground caverns to its prewar owners as happened to most wartime acquisitions. It was kept by the government. And it was kept very secret. It has since been revealed that one function of the caves was to house a government communications centre that would be activated if a nuclear war began. Other uses of the caves remain highly classified and top secret.

One of these top secret purposes is the Central Computer Complex (CCC). Quite what the CCC does is not entirely clear. Some say it controls the Trident nuclear missile firing systems, others that it has a role in 'sigint' or signals intelligence. Nobody really knows. One of the most intriguing of the few facts to come out of CCC is that there is another section of the caverns under Rudloe Manor that is accessed only through CCC (itself heavily guarded and accessed only by those with high security clearance) by way of a door that is guarded 24/7 and that only a few of those cleared to enter CCC are permitted to pass.

Now what can be behind that door? Obviously something highly sensitive.

Back on the surface, Rudloe Manor has long been the HQ of the RAF Provost & Security Services (PSS), which is responsible for all aspects of security affecting the RAF. It includes personnel from MI5 and MI6 who liaise with the PSS and - at least from time to time if not permanently - CIA personnel as well. We know from declassified government documents that the PSS collated and sifted UFO reports for several decades. They binned any reports that they felt could be explained as sightings of aircraft, birds, planets and so forth, then investigated those that remained unexplained. Several of those unexplained reports were swiftly taken off the desks of the lowly staff at PSS and sent for analysis "elsewhere" - to behind that door in CCC apparently.

In the early 1990s UFO investigators in Britain began to notice that there was a cluster of high quality sightings over the Box-Rudloe-Corsham area of Wiltshire. This reminded some of a similar cluster of sightings over Warminster, a few miles to the south, in the 1960s. Intrigued, investigators began paying more attention. The sightings were found to centre over Rudloe and to consist largely of UFOs without wings that pulsated with colours of blue, red or green. Often they were said to be diamond or conical in shape.

So what can we say with confidence about RAF Rudloe Manor. Well, it is top secret, contains vast underground caverns that are off limits to all but a very few people with top level security clearance, has been part of the RAF UFO investigation process and is a centre for UFO sightings. Beyond that we really don’t know. Some claim that the place is a liaison venue for the British government to interract with aliens. Others that objects retrieved from UFOs are stored there.

Perhaps one day we will know the truth.

Rupert Matthews is the author of the book Roswell which is available on Amazon and from all good bookshops. You can find Rupert’s website at He also maintains a blog about the unexplained at

Friday 18 September 2009

A Room 101 Interview with Richard Dolan

I first discovered Richard Dolan when he was interviewed for BoA: Audio back in 2006. Still studying for my BA at the time, I was impressed by his credentials and quickly got myself a revised edition of his excellent UFOs and the National Security State. That book was covered in tremendous depth during his BoA: Audio appearance, so here we're going to focus a little less on UFOs and get Dolan's thoughts and opinions on some other parapolitical topics instead. Most notably: the Kennedy assassinations, 9/11 and the Terror Wars, secret societies and the New World Order.

Richard Thomas: First things first, thank you so much for giving the Room 101 readers the time to answer these questions. I've read both editions of volume one of your book several times and am currently reading volume two, so it's really appreciated.

I was only 15 when 9/11 happened. Looking back on it now, I think that event and, more importantly, its aftermath (the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) probably played the biggest part in me becoming interested in conspiracy research or parapolitics. When the War in Iraq first began, I was studying Hitler's rise to power for A-Level History and the parallels between what had happened in 1930s Germany and what was happening today, globally, just seemed obvious to me. In particular, how Hitler exploited the Reichstag fire (which he probably started) to make himself dictator and curtail civil liberties.

How do you think you first became interested in parapolitics (I'm guessing the Kennedy assassination probably played a big part) and do you share my concerns about the parallels between the transformation of the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich and what we see in the world today? 
Richard Dolan: I think that there are very serious and scary parallels between what is going on today and what happened in Germany during the 1930s. The connection of 9/11 with the Reichstag fire is the obvious example, but there is much more. The existence and promulgation of The Big Lie, for instance. Hitler (and Goebbels) shamelessly exploited the fears of German people by repeating the most absurd lies over and over again, whether these were about the Jews, or about the Versailles Peace Treaty, or numerous other issues – and it worked. Or, I should say, it worked enough for them to have their way. 

Today in the U.S. under Presidents George W. Bush and now Barack Obama, The Big Lie is promoted and peddled to an overstimulated, overworked, and undereducated American public. 9/11 is the linchpin of the entire edifice of deception that has grown around it.
My interest in parapolitics developed by degrees during the 1980s and 1990s, during my twenties and thirties. It didn't happen all at once. Even during my teen years, I was always a bit unconventional in my tastes: I was reading Plato and Shakespeare on my own when I was 14 or so and never stopped reading classical philosophy and literature. During my twenties I did a lot of standard political theory: from Hobbes through Locke and Marx and Weber and everything else. I studied the rise of Hitler to an excruciating degree. All of that was fairly 'conventional,' you might say. By the late 1980s, I was reading the essays of Gore Vidal, which was very influential on my thinking. Vidal wrote some outstanding analyses of the American political scene during the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. One, in fact, later inspired the title of my own book: an article he wrote in the late 80s called "The National Security State." His piece was a critique of the Reagan administration, but I ended up taking that phrase as a concept to describe all of post-WWII America.
But the early 1990s, around the time I turned 30, I had discovered Noam Chomsky. Rather late in the day, when I look back on this all. Still, better late than never. Chomsky, like Vidal, was very influential on me. Still, his writing stops short of what we would call 'parapolitics.' As anyone who has read him knows, Chomsky doesn't really "do" conspiracies. I have always found this a little strange, as his general "big picture" political analyses is otherwise frequently so very good. He understands how powerful nations and economic entities systematically pillage the world for their own good – and call it "democracy." But perhaps it's because he is in the academic world that he has never taken the final, necessary, step. That is, to recognize not only that the elites "manufacture dissent" and control the very parameters of what most people even think, but that through black-ops and intelligence community manipulation of the academic world and media, are able to create entirely fictitious scenarios – the kind imagined by George Orwell – and pass it off as truth. In other words, the reality of our world is well beyond even the mendaciousness that even Chomsky sees. And that's pretty bad, indeed. 
By 1994, when I began studying UFOs seriously, I was still very much in the "Chomsky mindset." During much of the period of writing my first book, UFOs and the National Security State: An Unclassified History, 1941-1973 (later republished with the subtitle Chronology of a Cover-Up), I was in that frame of mind. In other words, that – while there were lots of 'little' conspiracies, I was not a believer in grand conspiracies.
It wasn't until I became fascinated by the UFO topic that I became convinced that there was something bigger going on. I continued asking myself why wasn't this topic handled with more seriousness in the mainstream avenues of our society? Why did the universities ignore this topic? Why did the newspapers? After seeing the deep national security connections to the UFO topic, it became clear to me that a real, bona fide conspiracy is going on.
Coming to grips with the fact that there was a substantial conspiracy in that arena, it became easier to recognize the existence of other types of conspiratorial activity operating on a grand scale. But all of this took a number of years.
Richard Thomas: Lets take a step back in time before we go on. For me, the sheer number of high profile assassinations in the 1960s is reason enough to at least suspect conspiracy: JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, even Marilyn Monroe died under suspicious circumstances in that decade. Do you think that the same force could have been responsible for these deaths and what are your thoughts on the two Kennedy assassinations in particular? For instance, do you think Sirhan Sirhan could have been a "Manchurian Candidate"? 
Richard Dolan: Every one of those assassinations is deeply suspicious, although I confess I've done comparatively little research on the assassination of Malcolm X. Regarding JFK, it is plainly obvious that he was killed in a conspiracy of some sort, most probably involving the CIA. Other researchers have done a vast amount of work on this, much more than I will ever read. Still, it is clear that after you tally up the many pieces of evidence, a conspiracy was involved. Some of these are: 

• the protestations of Kennedy's secret service officer (captured on film) after he was ordered away from the vehicle moments before Kennedy was shot; 

 • the testimony of many eyewitnesses of four or more gunshots being fired at Daley Plaza; the testimony of the Parkland Hospital surgeons, all of whom described a massive exit wound in Kennedy's right parietal lobe – that is, the right side of the back of his head – indicating an entry point from the front of the head and exiting through the back;

• the destruction of JFK's autopsy records;

• the strange connections to the world of intelligence by such innocuous people as Abraham's Zapruder, who filmed the assassination. Zapruder, for instance, employed as his secretary the wife of a man named Georg von Mohenschildt. Mohenschildt was ex-Abwehr, currently working for the CIA – and the handler of Lee Harvey Oswald. Strange coincidences.
• Then there is the story of the Warren commission, headed by ex-CIA Dir. Allen Dulles, in which included such up-and-coming stars as Gerald R. Ford.
There is so much about the JFK assassination screams conspiracy. 80% of Americans know it was a conspiracy, and 100% of the rest of the world knows it. Yet, the "official" truth is quite otherwise, as we all know.

Regarding Robert Kennedy, yes, this is deeply suspicious. Sirhan Sirhan has never been able credibly to remember the details of the day of the assassination. He kept a diary in the period leading up to the assassination, and I seem to recall that the contents of the diary were very suspicious to investigators, and suggestive of mind control.
The technology of mind control is more substantial and goes back much farther than many people realize. There were substantial efforts by the CIA and other agencies from the 1940s onward to find ways of harnessing the human mind. We all know about how the CIA pioneered the use of LSD during the 1950s, but many people forget it was in order to find the ultimate mind control chemical. Advances in hypnosis were also far more profound than is generally believed. 
When we are dealing with the national security and intelligence community – which steadfastly refuses to open its records for public viewing – we will always be at a disadvantage. Yet, to paraphrase an old comedy routine: it looks like it, smells like it, feels like it, and tastes like it. 
Richard Thomas: Moving back to present times, there's no doubt at all that 9/11 was misused terribly by the Bush/Blair Axis, but I've heard you go a lot further in other interviews. Do you still believe (like me) that 9/11 was an "inside job" and what, for you, is the best smoking gun evidence? In hindsight, aside from the extremely suspicious way the buildings collapsed, the paper passport, supposedly found in the ruins of the WTC, was the first thing that really raised my suspicions. 
Richard Dolan: Certainly, finding Mohammad Atta's passport on the street of New York City following the collapse of the towers – in perfect condition – it is eerily reminiscent of the so-called magic bullet being found on JFK's stretcher at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas. As everybody in the world knows, the wreckage following the collapse of the World Trade Center towers was almost beyond comprehension. My father, who worked at the World Trade Center for its final seven years – and who thankfully had the day off – told me that his colleagues described the remains afterward as absolutely disgusting. Remember, human body parts were liberally distributed throughout the wreckage. I don't mean to be excessively graphic here, but amidst the explosions, fire, dust, rubble, and dead bodies, how did this passport fall all that distance without suffering any damage? Here's another question: how did it get separated from the body of Mohammed Atta? When you travel, you carry your passport with you. Even for an alleged terrorist, he would, after all, need his passport with them in order to have boarded the plane.
But really, the thing that does it for most of us when looking at the evidence of 9/11 is the speed of collapse of the three primary buildings in New York City. All of them dropped at the speed of a brick falling through the air, unimpeded by any resistance. The airliners each struck the North and South towers roughly three quarters of the way up. That means roughly 80 floors of steel below the level of impact. These floors suffered no damage.
Here is a simple question. You can make it multiple-choice, if you like. Would 80 floors of steel offer (A) a lot of resistance, (B) some resistance, or (C) no resistance to the speed of collapse of those buildings? Even if they were to offer as little as, say, one second per floor – which really isn't a lot when you think about it – that would still add roughly 80 seconds to the speed of collapse. And yet the North and South Towers collapsed in about 10 seconds. In other words without any measurable resistance whatsoever. This is simply not credible.
This point is even more significant for the destruction of Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex. This was a 47-story tall steel frame structure which was hit by no aircraft, although it did suffer damage from the North Tower when that tower collapsed. Yet Building 7 came down seven hours later, also at virtual freefall speed, and also in a pile of dust like the other buildings. 
It's important to mention these facts because such cases of building collapse are only consistent with those of controlled demolitions. Indeed, fires had never before (nor since) caused steel frame structures to collapse. Never. And there have been fires far worse even than those which ravaged the World Trade Center buildings. The World Trade Center buildings were not made with design flaws, as some people have tried to argue. They were made competently to say the least, and indeed were designed to withstand multiple impacts of commercial airliners.
That's only a beginning, of course. There are so many more questions one can raise, not simply with the New York City aspect of 9/11, but with the Pentagon, Pennsylvania, the fact that NORAD was asleep at the wheel, the connections that existed between members of Al Qaeda, the CIA, and the Pakistani ISI. All of these and more lead us to become very deeply suspicious of what happened on September 11, 2001. 
Richard Thomas: What exactly do you mean by the term "inside job?" Do you think 9/11 was a Bush/Cheney led plot or do you believe the Neocons were just small pieces in much larger globalist game of chess? I've heard you talk about the Bilderberg Group a little on certain podcasts, do you think they or other secret or quasi secret groups might have been responsible in some way? 
Richard Dolan: I'm glad you asked this because I have maintained for years that to call 9/11 an inside job does not necessarily mean that it was planned out of the Bush/Cheney White House. Any reasonable study of the office of the U.S. presidency shows us that the office has been beholden to international financial interests for many, many years. In my new book, UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991, I point out that Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George Herbert Walker Bush all were beholden to financial interests that were vastly more powerful than the office of the President. Indeed, it is not an overstatement to describe David Rockefeller as America's kingmaker for the past half-century. 
Therefore, calling 9/11 an inside job is more likely to mean that there are strong international components to it. Also, we must remember the nature of the intelligence world. Not only United States intelligence community, but all intelligence communities tend to operate with little to no public oversight, and have developed relationships among themselves in ways that most people can't even fathom. There are also innumerable rogue elements within the intelligence world. There is a lot of money – a great deal of money – floating around in that world and very little effective oversight. How hard is it to imagine that a powerful rogue group might decide that an event like 9/11 was necessary for them to further certain ends? The U.S. president would be utterly irrelevant in the planning process, and indeed would be a hindrance. The President's job would be simply to go along with the program once everything went down. That, and presumably not to ask too many uncomfortable questions. 
Richard Thomas: If Osama Bin Laden wasn't behind 9/11, why do you think we're still in Afghanistan? One of the more alarming things I've heard you talk about in your lectures is that illegal drugs are actually big business, on a par with oil and arms. Do you think this might be the real reason for the continued NATO occupation of Afghanistan? 
Richard Dolan: Drug trafficking is unquestionably one of the world's largest businesses. Nobody knows if it's the largest, the second-largest, the third-largest, or even the fourth-largest. You've got weapons, cars, oil, and drugs. Simply because narcotics are illegal doesn't mean that nobody wants all that money. Everybody wants that money, from streetcorner pushers, to police officers on the take, to local public officials, to federal officials, to intelligence agencies, to major banks and financial entities that receive fees for laundering the proceeds. Everybody wants that money. It so happens that the Taliban, for all of their horrible deeds, nevertheless suppressed opium production in Afghanistan during the late 1990s. And it is also true that opium production dramatically rose after the invasion in 2001. 
There are other things to note about Afghanistan, however. One is the natural gas pipeline, which had been a dream of leaders of industry and finance for a long time. An enormous amount of natural gas lies to the north of Afghanistan. Getting it to industrial countries like the U.S., is not so easy, however. The idea was to create a pipeline to the sea, compress it into liquid form, and ship it. That's expensive, but in an era of uncertain natural gas availabilities, still an attractive option. If you look at a map of the region, you'll see that a faster, more direct route actually lies to the nation of Iran. But during the late 1990s, Afghanistan seemed to be a more likely route for the pipeline: Afghanistan to Pakistan and then to the sea. Now, that pipeline has had all kinds of problems of construction during these years. Most likely, we can attribute this to the nonstop fighting that has occurred in that country since 2001. Nevertheless, this is a major geopolitical reason for the U.S. presence in that country.
Richard Thomas: I suspect getting control of Iraq's oil was the major reason for the Anglo-American 2003 invasion of Iraq, but what do you think of the idea that capturing ancient astronaut technology left behind in the country could have been another reason?
Richard Dolan: That idea has been put forth by several researchers, most notably Jim Marrs, who has done some outstanding investigation during his lifetime. It's still hard for me to make my own determination on this thesis, so I'm going to pass on that one for now, except to comment on one thing. This was the systematic plundering of the Baghdad Museum. Most people probably remember this. This was a massive and yet surgical-like looting of perhaps the most important ancient museum in the world. All of this was done under the watchful eye of U.S. troops, and the entire world followed the progress, which lasted several days. If there were ancient secrets to be stolen and exploited, we may presume that they existed within that museum, perhaps within the many secret underground layers that have been rumored to exist.
There is no question, however, that international financial groups have wanted to privatize Iraq's oil for many years. Indeed, David Rockefeller himself met with Saddam Hussein during the late 1980s to try to make that happen. Also, representatives of Kissinger Associates. Back in the bad old days of Saddam, all that oil was owned and controlled by the Iraqi government. That meant that, yes, Saddam and his family could skim and live like kings, but it also meant that the oil paid for the Iraqi infrastructure: hospitals, schools, roads, and so on. 
The problem, however, from the point of view of international finance, was very simple. They did not own that oil, and hence could derive no profit from it. After the Gulf War of 1991, Saddam's government retained control over the Iraqi oil fields. However, after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, all changed. It's one of the great, unremarked stories of our time how the Iraqi oil has now gone over to multinational – that is private – control.
Well, not unremarked upon in Iraq, of course. Those people know full well what has been going on. 

Richard Thomas: 9/11 was eight years ago and Bush as well as Blair are long gone. Do you share my concerns that the general public seem to think President Obama, in and of himself, is some kind of resolution to the last eight years, even though Obama has actually only expanded the War in Afghanistan and neighbouring Pakistan? Also, have you seen Alex Jones' latest film the Obama Deception and, if so, what are your thoughts on it? 
Richard Dolan: I think The Obama Deception is a fine piece of journalism. Barak Obama campaigned on a platform of "change you can believe in." But as you suggest, there has been no change. One journalist recently made the apt remark: "want to know what Bush's third term would have looked like? You're living it." And it's true that Obama's major policies are all extensions of what we were seeing under George W. Bush. From the expansion of the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the trillion dollar "stimulus package" for which there is no money to pay, to the ever-increasing power of federal agencies to spy on citizens, and especially to the increasing speed of the creation of a kind of global hegemony by financial elites. One fact pointed out in the Obama Deception was how this current administration is dominated by Wall Street finance to a greater degree than any previous U.S. presidency. All of Barack Obama's top advisors come from Wall Street.
Barack Obama attended, along with Hillary Clinton by the way, the 2008 Bilderberg Group meeting. This is now an open secret. It should be clear to anyone who has done some investigation on this that Barack Obama became President in order to clean up America's dirty face. To give America a better public image. To give the appearance of change, while moving full speed ahead with the actual agenda, which includes globalization, stripping away of personal privacy, and the continued privatization to select hands of the resources that matter: oil, water, and so on. 
Richard Thomas: Speaking of Alex Jones, in his film Endgame, he documents the dark history of Eugenics and argues that the whole point of the New World Order super-state being constructed is to carry out Eugenics on an unprecedented global scale. The elimination of at least 80% of the world population and the transformation of the global elite into super beings via the merger with advanced technology. 

I know you have at least some interest in Transhumanism and what is called the Technological Singularity (as do I) so what do you think of Jones' Endgame scenario and assertion that Transhumanists are crypto Eugenicists? 
Also, do you think we need some kind of international law or agreement to insure the technology involved in creating a Trans or Post-human is not abused?
Richard Dolan: I think all of these points are valid and there needs to be a greater public discussion about it. Our technology is evolving so rapidly, and I'm afraid our ability to grasp the implications of what we are doing is continually lagging far behind. We have now deciphered the human genome. We are very close to having advanced nanotechnology. The combination of those two sciences can mean all kinds of things. It could mean a virtual utopia for all human beings, provided that such technology were used for the benefit of humanity at large. 
And yet, we must assume that those individuals who have hitherto been "Masters of the Universe" would have no desire to for this outcome. It isn't hard for them – or for most of us, for that matter – to see that we are in the midst of a dangerous population explosion. We are sucking down global resources at a rate that is probably not sustainable. A mere century ago there were about 2 billion people in this world. We are now approaching 7 billion people, with each person using vastly more natural resources than did our ancestors. It's almost certainly not sustainable in the long term. 
The global elites who are creating this new world system presumably see this and more. They also see the opportunity of creating their own form of Utopia. Most of us, unfortunately, are standing in their way. 
Richard Thomas: While on the topics of Eugenics and population reduction, like me, will you be refusing any compulsory Swine Flu vaccination or are you unconcerned? Also, do you give any credence to the idea that Swine Flu could be some kind of manmade bioweapon? 
Richard Dolan: There is no way that I will allow anyone to poke me or members of my family with a swine flu vaccination. There are too many risks associated with the vaccination that have already come to light. We don't do many medications in my house, anyway. I'll stick to my carrot juice, thank you very much.
As to whether or not the current swine flu is a bio weapon, I'll wait until I encounter tangible evidence before I make a strong statement about. But this is the kind of thing has been done before. We know for sure that U.S. military and intelligence groups have played games with diseases in the past. This goes back to the 1940s and 50s at the least. Indeed, the anthrax scare of 2001 has now been traced to Fort Detrick Maryland. I assume most people can readily understand what that means. 
Richard Thomas: Somewhat disturbingly, of course, the idea of using advanced technology to create a new superspecies isn't too far removed from David Jacobs' hybrid theories as outlined in The Threat. Also, we can't really talk about human-alien hybridisation and the New World Order without at least mentioning David Icke's extremely controversial reptilian ideas.
I suppose my question is do you think the alien agenda and the New World Order endgame could in fact be one and the same, or, to put it another way, could the aliens be the secret rulers of the world? If so, how old do you think this conspiracy could be: for instance, do you think it's possible mankind could be their creation?
Richard Dolan: With questions like these, we naturally enter a realm of speculation. Jacobs' theory does have a certain compatibility with what you're talking about. The real question is, if there has been a long-standing alien presence on our world in some form or another, have they been manipulating us? Although definitive proof eludes us, there are suggestive reasons for thinking this is the case. 
One of my friends, Colleen Clements, who has a PhD and formerly taught at the Rochester Institute of Technology, has written a number of books that suggest this scenario. If so, if we have been "developed" in some way, it's not much of a stretch to assume that these other beings would consider us something of an investment. Would they want to control, at least in broad terms, our social and political and intellectual development? Might they be doing so now? These are the themes that people like David Icke discuss, and as crazy as they sound to the uninitiated, responsible investigators are obligated to inquire. We may not have answers easily forthcoming. But when you are doing an investigation, you have to do it honestly and courageously. You can't rule things out because they seem absurd to you at first glance. You have to look at the facts and decide what scenarios fit within those facts. 
Richard Thomas: We've discussed some deeply dark and scary topics in this interview do you have any solutions to the problems the world faces that our readers can put into practice? 
Richard Dolan: We all need to keep in mind that human history is filled with crisis and suffering. There has been no period, ever, in our history in which people did not face serious difficulties and even questions concerning their very survival. It's nothing new.
For all people, at all times, facing difficulties requires a kind of calm courage. You have to stay calm in order to learn the facts that you need to know. And you have to be brave. I've come to see our life as something akin to flying a glider plane through a hurricane. It's a hell of a wild ride, and at the end of it we all crash and burn. There is no way out of that. So what we have to do is first accept the hurricane, and secondly experience all that we can from it – learn from it, and enjoy whatever we can along the way. Because that's our life.
We have been handed this precious gift. We could just as easily not exist at all. And yet here we are. What do we choose to do with this existence of ours? Sadly, most people basically throw it away. But for every person there is the opportunity to begin the long journey of expanding their awareness and consciousness. It is only through heightened awareness of ourselves and our world that we can find meaning in what we do, and organize with each other to the extent that we can actually effect positive change. 
To put it another way, most of us sleepwalk our way through life. Now it is time to wake up. 
Richard Thomas: Thanks again Rich, please tell our readers how they can get signed copies of both volumes I and II of UFOs and the National Security State and when they may expect to see Volume III? 
Richard Dolan: My books are available at my website: I sign all copies of books that are sold directly from my website. Of course the books are also available at 

I do not expect the third volume of my history to take nearly as long as it took for the second one to appear. Nearly all of the research for volume 3 is already completed. I think two to three years is reasonable to expect. At that point I will have completed a three-volume, 1,600-page history of UFOs. Even now, it surprises me when I think about it. I've enjoyed this journey of mine, of delving into this topic and having the opportunity to learn the things I've learned, and to communicate what I've learned to other people. There is still a long way to go, and there is still a great deal for me to learn. I want to live long enough to make some real progress on this issue.

Friday 21 August 2009

A Room 101 Interview with Len Osanic: Host of Black Op Radio

When Room 101 first made its Binnall of America debut back in April 2008 I wrote about how it was the JFK Assassination, and its modern-day counterpart 9/11, that first really got me seriously interested in what way too many intelligent people sadly debunk as "conspiracy theory." Looking back on it now, I used to be one of these "intelligent people" until I started listening to shows like Len Osanic's comprehensive Black Op Radio (easily the best podcast dealing in the realms of parapolitics) so I was very excited when Len agreed to do an interview with us. What's more, it will finally allow us to cover the JFK conspiracy, and cover-up, with some depth.

Richard Thomas: First things first, thank you so much for giving the Room 101 readers the time to answer these questions. I'm a big fan of the show and I'm sure many of the RR readers are too, so it's really appreciated.
I believe you hail from outside the US, like me. Some might think it a little unusual that you host a show dedicated to researching the death of a US President. How did you first become interested in the JFK Assassination and what's the origin of Black Op Radio?
Len Osanic: Years ago, I wrote to Col. Fletcher Prouty. We became friends and I produced a CD-ROM for him. I started doing radio show interviews with him. When he became ill, I continued on my own. After that, I thought I could do a better job asking the questions, since I knew the topic quite well. That was back in 2000 some 430 shows ago.
Richard Thomas: Growing up with the Zapruder film footage regularly played on various documentaries about the assassination, I'd always just assumed Kennedy got shot from the front. So it was a bit of a shock to discover that according to the Warren Commission, Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot the President from behind. What, for you, is the best smoking gun evidence pointing towards a conspiracy?

Len Osanic: The photo of CIA General Edward Lansdale in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, the day of the assassination. 
Richard Thomas: If you had to point out another two or more reasons for dismissing the so-called Lone Gunman Theory what would they be? 

Len Osanic: The fraud of CE399 (The bullet) and almost all of the Warren Commission. I mean, all the evidence exonerates Lee Oswald. Of course, The Sixth Floor Museum is the biggest fraud of all, trying to obscure the fact that Dallas was the city that allowed the murder to happen.

Richard Thomas: Other than the ridiculous lone nut Oswald theory, there seem to basically be three main schools of thought among researchers on who was responsible for the assassination. Roughly they can be broken down as: the Communist (the Soviet Union and/or Cuba), the Mob and CIA. Personally, I think "the Communists" is exactly what the real conspirators wanted us to think, but what are your thoughts? 

Len Osanic: It appears that the Joint Chiefs wanted to invade Cuba and I suspect Lee Oswald was supposed to have been flown there by Jack Ruby. It may be that Officer Tippit refused to escort Lee to the airport once he learned JFK had been shot and he was killed before he revealed the plot. 
Richard Thomas: If you agree the conspirators wanted us to think that Cuba and/or the Soviets were behind the assassination, why do you think the Warren Commission found no such conspiracy? 

Len Osanic: I cannot guess what the members of the Warren Commission really thought or really found. We only have the report and who knows how many people were misrepresented or misquoted. I know that Arlen Spector is a gutless liar. Some members did not agree with the final conclusion, but were kept quiet.
Richard Thomas: Personally I've come to believe that Oswald was probably exactly what he claimed to be: "just a patsy." What is your position on Oswald and how involved do you think he was in any conspiracy: for instance do you think he was really one of the shooters or not? 

Len Osanic: I do not think he shot anyone and no evidence has been presented to indicate he did either. 

Richard Thomas: My personal favourite documentary about the assassination has to be Nigel Turner's excellent nine-part series The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Do you know what the latest on Badge Man is? 
Len Osanic: I think the gunmen were professional military men on duty. I have no idea who Badge Man really is.
Richard Thomas: We could go on forever about who might have been responsible, but I think the X character (based on Col. Fletcher Prouty) in Oliver Stone's epic film JFK knocks it on the head when he says the more important question is why? Although there were probably many reasons, the big two seem to be the Vietnam War and Kennedy's plans to audit the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve. What do you think was the major reason and why? 
Len Osanic: Fletcher Prouty has indicated that pulling out of Vietnam was the final straw. Kennedy was removed by his enemies. In this case, "final straw" meant there were many reasons, and finally (after Vietnam) they made the decision, "He's got to go." It certainly wasn't a lone nut. Who told the Presidential Protection team to "Stand Down, you're not needed in Dallas Nov 22nd"? That's where the power is, to allow gunmen near, and then to control the autopsy and continue the cover-up. And have a patsy in the wings.
I must stress: read the Jim Douglass book JFK and the Unspeakable. I interviewed him six times, once for each chapter.
Richard Thomas: Whatever the truth about the assassination, there's no question, in my book, that many of the people who have investigated the conspiracy over the last four decades are true heroes. Mark Lane has been my personal favourite, but who do you feel most privileged to have had the chance to interview and why? 

Len Osanic: Without question, it is Col L. Fletcher Prouty. There is no other person who wrote about this topic who was there. Prouty worked in the military for 23 years and 9 years in the Pentagon. He was the focal point officer between the CIA and the Air Force. He was there. He worked with these people day in day out for 9 years. Everyone else writes from details and evidence they discover, but not from being there. 

Richard Thomas: Inevitably, time will take its toll. It's a pity you'll never get a chance to interview Jim Garrison (whose autobiographical On the Trail of the Assassins was turned into the Oliver Stone film). Who else do you wish you could have had a chance to interview before their passing?

Len Osanic: No one I can think of. I learned so much from Fletcher. But it would've been worthwhile to spend time with Jim Garrison. Who knows how much more he knew about that was not brought up in the trial. Things that he may have not had the time to investigate.

Richard Thomas: It's been over 45 years now since that tragic day in Dallas. Do you think we'll ever know, for certain, what happened and who exactly was involved, and why do you think it's still important to find out today? Also, does it bother you when people just dismiss us as "JFK Buffs" or "Conspiracy Theorists"?
Len Osanic: If you read the Jim Douglass book JFK and the Unspeakable, there is enough there for one to discover who killed JFK. Then if you want to know more details get the Col Prouty CD-ROM. I consider interest in this as political research. It bothers me that a MORON like George Bush was president 8 years. It bothers me Rush Limbaugh is still on the air. But, I am Canadian so it's not that big a deal. Really, working with Fletcher taught me more than I ever set out to learn. So if people don't have time to question 9/11 right in front of them, and find it easier to criticize those researching the world in which we live as "theorists," well that's their loss. And they deserve 8 years of a turd blossom like Rove by the way pardoned, go figure that?
Treason should be that charge. Alberto Gonzalez. Attorney General. A gutless LIAR. What does America do? Nothing. It seems nothing as important as Treason, Murder, False Flag operations against your own country, gets to court. But they go crazy if Clinton has sex in the oval office. Bush hears voices ... he said God told him to go to war.
Richard Thomas: Some wildcard questions at the end here. One of your semi-regular guests on Black Op Radio has been Jim Marrs, author of Crossfire and The Terror Conspiracy, two books very well regarded among JFK researchers and 9/11 truth activists. What are your thoughts on the topics covered in some of Marrs' other books like secret societies, remote viewing and the UFO cover-up? Len Osanic:: I'll let Marrs speak for himself. I don't believe remote viewing. Americans should have stormed the White House and tried the administration for treason on 9/11. It was an inside job. 
Richard Thomas: Another of your guests has been Shane O'Sullivan, author of Who Killed Bobby and director of RFK Must Die. What do you think of the idea that Sirhan Sirhan (the convicted RFK shooter) could have been a "Manchurian Candidate"? Also, what about John Lennon's killer Mark David Chapman, do you think he might have been a victim of CIA brainwashing too? 
Len Osanic: I agree there is something troubling about Sirhan. William Pepper is looking into reopening a trial on new audio evidence. Mae Brussell knew more about the Chapman story. I don't know anything really to add.
Richard Thomas: Thanks again Len for answering our questions, perhaps we can do this again sometime. Why not tell the readers where they can listen to Black Op Radio and maybe buy some of your cool gear?
Len Osanic: I host Black Op Radio and run the Col. Fletcher Prouty Reference Site which can be found at

Saturday 18 July 2009

Blade Runner: Electronic Owls and Illuminati Symbolism - Richard's Room 101

One of only two science-fiction films made by Hollywood visionary Ridley Scott, (the other, of course, being Alien) Blade Runner is about far more than Harrison Ford hunting down and "retiring" rebel replicants. The first Philip K. Dick big-screen adaptation the film is an undisputed cult classic and stands today as arguably the best sci-fi movie ever. Its dark, post-apocalyptic and even post-organic urban setting provides one of the few really believable sci-fi backdrops in all of cinema history. 

Combined with larger questions about the nature of reality and what it really means to be human it's this convincing and well-thought-out sci-fi world Scott creates that invites five cuts and frequent re-watching. Almost more like a novel than a film, noticing something new with each visit. Ridley Scott's vision of a future Los Angeles couldn't be much more different to the city we know today (though it's a lot closer now than it was in 1982). With its colossal skyscrapers, heavy pollution and torrential downpours looking more like a darker New York or even DC Comics' Gotham City. Like Alien before it, the film presents a "used future" only this time its nature itself that's falling apart not just a spaceship. Climatic change apparently wipeing out most animal life to the point where artificial copies are far more common and affordable and humans (those who can afford them) are forced to retreat to the "off-world colonies." 
Perhaps the strangest thing about Scott's future LA, though, is that it seems completely riddled with Illuminati imagery and symbolism. Perhaps the most obvious example of this parapolitical iconography has to be the "All Seeing Eye."
Blade Runner opens with an extreme close-up of Harrison Ford's character Rick Deckard's eye and there are numerous other eye shots throughout the film. Eyes being important to the plot because they're the only way to tell the difference between replicants (artificial humans) and real humans. Replicant eyes involuntary glowing in certain scenes. However, is this really the All Seeing Eye of the Illuminati? 
Interestingly, in his DVD commentary for The Final Cut Scott did admit that the eye imagery was meant to be reminiscent of George Orwell's dystopian Nineteen Eighty-Four and that it was meant to imply that the world of Blade Runner isn't that far removed from the totalitarian regime of the classic novel. Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, of course, being a favourite tool of conspiracy theorists for explaining the kind of New World Order that the Illuminati are covertly constructing around us. Some researchers even speculating that Orwell (a former officer in the Indian Imperial Police) might have even based his novel largely on insider knowledge rather than being simply fiction. But let's get back to Blade Runner.
In his commentary, Scott explains that he and the writers (again echoing Orwell and Alien) envisioned Blade Runner as a future completely economically, technologically and politically dominated by three or less mega-corporations. In effect, it is a world caught in the iron grip of total corporatism: a situation disturbingly close to today but still a somewhat novel idea back in 1982 (unless you were a conspiracy buff, of course).
The largest and most powerful of these new interplanetary superpowers, of course, is the Tyrell Corporation. Named after its founder and almost God-like creator of the Nexus-6 series replicants: Dr Eldon Tyrell. A mega-genius with (like Dr Frankenstein and the Illuminati before him) little or no qualms about the morality of his experiments. Creating (artificial) men and women with at least equal intelligence to their genetic designers ... only to live a mere four years max as nothing more than off-world slaves before they "retire."
Tyrell's favourite motto "More human than human" can't help but ring some alarm bells for anyone who has ever seen Alex Jones' parapolitical blockbuster Endgame. In the documentary film, Jones chronicles the secret elite's plans to wipe out a staggering 80% of mankind and replace the species with what they believe is the next stage in human evolution: the post or transhuman. This "being" would be the perfect blending of man with machine, with cybernetics and genetic engineering at their zenith point, in other words, the partly organic "More human than human" replicants of Blade Runner. 
However. it's the Tyrell Corporation's taste in architecture and wildlife that really sounds the Illuminati alarm. The Tyrell Headquarters are a gigantic seven hundred stories tall pyramided-shaped skyscraper. Perhaps resembling an Aztec or Ancient Egyptian pyramid.

A classic symbol associated with the Illuminati, the pyramid has always been an icon of authoritarianism and higher power. A meeting place between Heaven and Earth where great Kings and High Priests became gods in their peoples' eyes. Ridley Scott couldn't have picked a better design for the HQ of his replicants' post-modern father/maker and corporate dictator Tyrell. 
In a documentary (Dangerous Days: The Making of Blade Runner) accompanying the DVD release of The Final Cut it's explained that a pyramid was chosen because in an older script, Tyrell was exposed to be a replicant copy. The real Tyrell having died and been cryogenically preserved in a giant glass sarcophagus at the centre of the pyramided complex. Tyrell HQ, in effect, then was originally envisioned as being a kind of tomb like the pyramids of the Pharaohs. Be that as it may, perhaps there is a better reason for the strange choice of 2019 architecture.
As well as power and authority, the pyramid is also the perfect physical representation of compartmentalisation: the Illuminati system of control. It exists as a dumbed-down humanity at the base with a tiny enlightened capstone elite ruling on top, i.e. exactly the kind of Orwellian society seemingly reflected in Blade Runner.
Finally, if all this Illuminati imagery and symbolism (the All Seeing Eye, the Pyramid of Compartmentalisation, never mind the Orwellian and transhumanist overtones) wasn't enough, when Deckard (Harrison Ford) first visits Tyrell HQ he is greeted by a replicant owl. The owl (according to Ridley Scott) being Tyrell's official mascot and emblem. Yet another, be it much less well known, Illuminati symbol.
In the film that really put him on the map, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Alex Jones exposed how the global elite meet in secret each year to take part in a strange and bizarre ceremony called the "Cremation of Care." This is an event which, as outlandish as it sounds, involves the worship and even mock human sacrifice of an infant to a deity they call the Great Owl of Bohemia (a giant 45-foot stone owl god complete with almost demonic-style horns). The horns particularly are most worrying because they're very reminiscent of the ancient Canaanite horned ideal Moloch, who, according to the Bible at least, really did have children sacrificed to it.
Did Ridley Scott really pick the owl as Tyrell's personal emblem and mascot because of its ancient association and meaning of wisdom, as most would argue? Or is there perhaps a double much darker meaning? When you put it all together: the owl, the pyramid, all the eye imagery, not to mention the fact that the only other animal replicant in the film is a snake, another Illuminati icon, it leaves little to no doubt that Scott and the writers must have done at least some research into Illuminati symbolism and imagery. Whether they believed in any of the conspiracy theories or not, is debatable and probably something we will never really know, but they must have been aware of them. 
Some speculate that Philip K. Dick used remote viewing or other psychic means to write his books. Given that Hollywood celebrities like Arnold Swarchenegger have attended the bizarre Bohemian Grove, perhaps it's just possible Scott became intrigued that way. Whatever the truth, the Illuminati imagery adds a fascinating extra layer and realism to Scott's dystopian future that most people will sadly miss but still somehow know they're missing ... pulling them back again and again ... which is the genius of Ridley Scott.

Sunday 25 January 2009

45 Years Later: Obama, A New JFK? - Richard's Room 101

Since this will be the first edition of Room 101 for the new year, let's take a look back at '08 and make some predictions about the year to come. Of course, as well as the 45th and 40th anniversaries of the JFK and RFK assassinations, 2008, also saw the historic election of Barack Obama, a man MANY people are calling the new JFK. So this fortnight we're going to reflect a little on the Kennedy assassinations and ask whether Obama is really a 21st-century JFK or, as many in the conspiracy research realm fear, just a transatlantic Tony Blair? 

Perhaps the strangest conspiracy theory (I don't like the term but in this case it's appropriate) of '08 was the idea that if Obama won the election there would be another Dallas. Now, while it's perfectly understandable why people might think this, I believe that most conspiracy researchers would strongly disagree. Not that there isn't enough evidence to suggest President Kennedy and his brother Robert were assassinated by sinister rogue factions within the government, there just isn't much to show Obama is a new Kennedy.

True, on the surface of it at least, there are some intriguing parallels between Obama today and JFK back in the 1960s. Kennedy, of course, as well as being the youngest ever President of the United States (and the first to be born in the 20th century) was also the first Commander-in-Chief to come from an Irish-Catholic background. Likewise, the still-youthful Obama is the first African American to ascend to the Presidency. However, this is hardly enough to justify calling Obama the heir to an icon like JFK.

So just why exactly are so many people making this strange comparison between the greatest President of the 20th century and a guy no one had even heard of just two short years ago?

Perhaps a less obvious but far more important parallel isn't between Obama and President Kennedy per see, but rather their respective eras: the near-apocalyptic Cold War 1960's and the (arguably equally dangerous) age of Terror Wars and looming Depression we find ourselves increasingly confronted with today.

The 1950s and early 60s, as is understood by anyone who has ever seen a UFO documentary, was a time of escalating tensions between the communist East and the free world. World War III had been narrowly avoided in Korea and new crises in Cuba and Vietnam threatened to turn the Cold War hot. Fortunately for America, and the world, Kennedy was alive long enough to find a peaceful solution to the Cuban collision before things really got MAD. (Mutually Assured Destruction.) And, had JFK lived to win a second term it is entirely conceivable that the Vietnam War could have ended before it ever really began. America could have avoided a humiliating defeat and a bloody stain on its national psyche that has haunted the nation ever since.

Similarly today, despite the fall of the Iron Curtain and America's greatest adversary a generation ago, the world seems to face just as much peril now as it did in Kennedy's era. War continues in Afghanistan and Iraq and may soon spread to Iran or even Pakistan. A new fallout has begun between the West and Russia. And, let's not forget the meltdown of the world economy and the Antarctic too. (Whether manmade or not.)

With so many problems echoing the darker side of the 1960s, it shouldn't be any surprise that people should want to equate Obama and his message of "change" with JFK and the "New Frontier" he represented. Sadly, though, this is already starting to look like just wishful thinking. The fact that Obama would ask Hillary Clinton of all people to be his Secretary of State should have made that perfectly clear. Kennedy fired relics from the old guard, he didn't try to bring them back into the fold. This brings us to the question of why JFK was killed and the biggest reason I don't think Obama is a new JFK.

Kennedy's firings and other factors probably played their part, however, most assassination researchers believe Vietnam was most likely the major reason for Kennedy's death (and was probably a major factor in his brother's death too). America would drop more bombs in Vietnam than were dropped throughout the whole of WWII. Just think of all the billions that must have cost alone, never mind the money for tanks, helicopters and everything else you need for a war. In all, it's estimated that America spent around $150 billion on the conflict. All of which was fed to the Military-Industrial Complex machine.
The uncomfortable truth is war equals big money and money equals power. Kennedy's possible plans to end the Cold War and withdraw from Vietnam were a threat to this sad equation and the Military-Industrial Complex literally had billions to lose.
President Kennedy was a peacemaker and likely died for it. Obama in contrast (despite the feel-good virtual reality) has thus far only shown himself to be an architect of war. Yes, he has plans to withdraw troops from Iraq but only to expand the war in Afghanistan. Add to this his open support for bombing Pakistan (which shares a border with Afghanistan) and you have a very worrisome situation brewing indeed. Perhaps even a new Terror War to add to the list. Only this time around it would be against a real nuclear weapons state.
In summary, the more you learn about Barack Obama, the less like a new JFK and the more like a transatlantic Tony Blair does he really look. In fact, some in the conspiracy research community go much further comparing Obama to Benito Mussolini, the infamous Fascist dictator of Italy. It's way too early to go that far but one thing is for sure, when you take into account his pro-war stances, the idea of another Dallas really does seem ridiculous. If there ever was a new JFK it was RFK (not Obama) and he paid the same price as his brother for being a peacemaker. As things stand now, I really don't think Obama has anything to fear.

Friday 5 December 2008

H G Wells and the New World Order - Richard's Room 101

When I first started writing this column, I said that I wanted to concentrate on the world of parapolitics and conspiracy theories: subjects like the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations; 9/11 truth; secret societies; and, of course, the New World Order. However, after a particularly popular piece on the RFK assassination ("Manchurian Candidates," Mind Control Experiments and Assassinations), we seem to have spent a bit too much time on the neighbouring field of UFOs.

So this fortnight will mark the beginning of a conscious effort on my part to take Room 101 back to its conspiratorial roots. We begin with a piece on a man who was a big hero of mine growing up, but after watching Alex Jones's Endgame and doing some of my own research, I am much more unsure of ... science fiction god and leading futurist of his day H G Wells. For those unaware, Wells was the author of all-time science fiction classics like The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, The Island Of Doctor Monroe and, of course, The War of the Worlds.
"Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it."  -- H G Wells The New World Order (1940)
This genuinely chilling quote is the ominous opening to Jones' Endgame. To the informed, the very words "New World Order" alone should be enough to send a shiver down the spine but what makes this quote - which could so easily be mistaken for coming from the pages of Hitler's Mein Kampf - all the more frightening is the fact that it came from a man still so wildly respected and admired even today as a true visionary like H G Wells.

 But what is the New World Order anyway and what did Wells mean by the phrase? My own understanding is that the term "New World Order" refers to a proposed future world government or pan-Earth union. The first truly global empire that would include and supplement all the nations of the world and, conspiracy researchers say, be ruled by a tiny oligarchy of enlightened elites who know what is best for us.

If this nightmare future ever unfolds, at best, it would be as if mankind were reduced to being no more than perpetual children, forever under the governorship of a benevolent parent never truly allowed to grow up and make our own choices in life. However, if human history is anything to go by, it would probably be far worse than that ... benevolent dictators are somewhat of a rarity whereas abuse of power and tyrants are commonplace. Whatever the case, though, the New World Order would mean the complete end to what we now call freedom and, very sadly, in my opinion, this is pretty much exactly what Wells calls for in his book of the same name.

 The road to Hell is often paved with good intentions and Wells' The New World Order is perhaps an excellent example of this. Spurred on by the tragedy and horrors of the Great War and the beginning of a new war with a revived Germany, Wells makes a strong argument for ending the reign of the nation-states and creating in their place a new "world state" (the New World Order) to unite and rule all the diverse peoples of the globe. A new "world peace" not all that different to the Roman peace of two millennia ago, ending war once and for all by force. Where national sovereignty is a ghost and any nation or person who disturbs the "World Pax" is dealt with "brutally and completely" by a "world police."

 Much of what Wells calls for in The New World Order sounds reasonable and sensible enough: an end to war, discrimination and unemployment. But the ends don't justify the means. It is and will always be immoral to force all the world's nations and people into bowing to the demands of a global empire. No matter how elegantly disguised Wells may put it.

Even now in the 21st century, there are parts of The New World Order that make for some genuinely troubling and even scary reading. For instance, Wells shows nothing but disrespect for the US Constitution, America's most sacred and important founding document: "I do not know how sane men in America are going to set about relaxing the stranglehold of the Constitution ... and pull America into line with the reconstruction of the rest of the world." But this is nothing compared to Wells' dark vision of a world disarmament police."

Incredibly, Wells makes the astonishing demand that the whole world, not just ordinary citizens but the nations themselves too, should be forcibly disarmed...everyone except the "world peace" enforcers of course:

"The world has a right to insist that not simply some German government but the people generally recognise unequivocally and repeatedly, the rights of man asserted in the Declaration, and it is disarmed and that any aggressive plant, any warplane, warship, gun or arsenal that is discovered in the country shall be destroyed forthwith, brutally and completely. But that is a thing that should not be confined to Germany. Germany should not be singled out for that. Armament should be illegality everywhere, and some sort of international force should patrol a treaty-bound world." 

A disarmed world totally at the mercy of a single global authority is an obvious formula for abuse and tyranny. Even Wells is forced to admit this danger: ''Its chief dangers are the dogmatist and the would-be 'leader' who will try to suppress every collateral line of work which does not minister to his supremacy." But the international force of young, uneducated thugs, totally loyal to the "world state" Wells envisions policing the globe sound especially dangerous: 
"A sturdy and assertive variety of the new young will be needed for the police work of the world. They will be more disposed for authority and less teaching or creative activities than their fellows. The old proverb will still hold for the new order that it takes all sorts to make a world, and the alternative to driving this type of temperament into conspiracy and fighting it and, if you can, suppressing it, is to employ it, win it over, trust it, and give it law behind it to respect and enforce. They want a loyalty and this loyalty will find its best use and satisfaction in the service of world order." 
Interestingly, ever the futurist, Wells predicted (somewhat accurately) that this "world police" force would be largely air based: "It is not unreasonable to anticipate the development of an ad hoc disarmament police which will have its greatest strength in the air." Perhaps darkly foreshadowing the many examples of "strategic bombing" of so-called rouge states and terrorists we have seen in recent years. 
There is so much more in The New World Order we could discuss but the bottom line has to be that any peace brought about by force is no peace at all. War is not peace and a "World Pax" can hardly be considered freedom.
One more thought. When you take on board Wells' New World Order ideas, new and darker interpretations of his writings become possible. Here is the famous beginning of The War of the Worlds: 
"No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns, they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water... Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this Earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us." 
Was Wells really using the Martians as an allegory for colonialism as is widely believed or could the Martians represent something else? The architects of the New World Order perhaps? Read The New World Order with The War of the Worlds and decide for yourself.

Friday 20 June 2008

Alternative 3 and the Secret Space Program - Richard's Room 101

In this edition of Room 101, we are venturing to a place where conspiracy theories, UFOs and cult sci-fi meet and merge into one. We are going to discuss Alternative 3, the controversial 1977 spoof documentary that caused uproar in the UK when it was first broadcast.

Originally shown as part of the Science Report documentary series, the spoof suggested an incredible link between Great Britain's "brain drain" of disappearing experts leaving the UK for the US, climate change and a secret space program. The Orson Welles, War of the Worlds, style hoax was so convincing that it actually managed to fool many of the millions that saw it originally into thinking that the world was about to end.
Perhaps the major reason why so many Bretons were fooled by the hoax was that it retained the Science Report format and even went as far as keeping the same presenter. However, as we will discuss later, perhaps there were other reasons why so many people were taken in by Alternative 3. 
Beginning as a documentary about Great Britain's then-contemporary "brain drain," Alternative 3 soon evolves into an investigation into the mysterious disappearances of a number of different space experts. The research presented over the course of the programme leads to the fantastic hypothesis that the missing experts have been taken off the world as part of some secret American/Soviet space program. Further, it is suggested that space travel is far more advanced and has been a reality for much longer than most people believe. The programme even featured a fictional Apollo astronaut, who claimed to have stumbled upon a mysterious Lunar base during his moonwalk. 
It is claimed on the programme that scientists had determined that the Earth's surface would soon become uninhabitable, due to pollution causing catastrophic climate change, and that three alternatives to this problem were suggested. The first two alternatives were considered too crazy to work and were quickly abandoned. Leaving only the third alternative, the "Alternative 3" of the title, to colonise Mars via a base on the Moon. 
Alternative 3 ends with a video of an alleged manned landing on Mars in 1962, seven years before Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon. The video even goes as far as showing something moving beneath the Martian soil, strongly suggesting the presence of life on the red planet. 
So how much of Alternative 3 is true and how much is fiction? Alternative 3 is clearly a fake documentary, the fictitious astronaut makes that obvious. However, the writers do seem to have stumbled upon something in Alternative 3. Themes such as climate change and even the possibility of space settlement have been getting a lot more attention in recent years.
In 2004, President Bush unveiled a new vision for the US space program. He proposed an ambitious plan to return Americans to the moon by 2020 and use the Moon, like in Alternative 3, as a stepping stone for future manned missions to Mars and beyond. Then, in 2006 Nasa announced plans to build a solar-powered outpost at one of the Moon's poles, expected to be permanently staffed by 2024.
More recently, Stephen Hawking called for a massive investment in establishing colonies on the Moon and Mars in a lecture to mark NASA's 50th anniversary. Hawking argued that the world should devote about 10 times as much as NASA's current budget to space.
The renowned physicist had previously spoken in favour of colonising space, just like in Alternative 3, as an insurance policy against the possibility of humanity being wiped out by catastrophic climate change: "Life on Earth is at an ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster such as sudden global warming... I, therefore, want to encourage public interest in space." 
Also, in The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must, aerospace engineer Robert Zubrin made a strong case for his Mars Direct plan for a manned mission to Mars using only current technology. The ultimate goal is the eventual colonisation and even terraforming of Mars. 
It is clear then that Moon bases and Mars colonies, much like the ones alleged to secretly exist in Alternative 3, could well become a reality in the near future. However, what about now, is there any suggestion that there could be a secret space program of any kind?

The answer is an astonishing yes.
Most BoA: Audio listeners are probably already familiar with Gary McKinnon, the famous UFO computer hacker that was arrested for allegedly hacking into NASA and the US military computer networks. McKinnon claims that he spent two years looking for evidence of UFOs and suppressed free energy technology. During this, he says that he found a list of officers' names under the mysterious heading "Non-Terrestrial Officers," as well as a list of "fleet-to-fleet transfers" and ship names. 
Further, McKinnon claims he checked the ship names and discovered that they defiantly weren't US Navy ships. Leading him to suspect that the US have some kind of secret space program: "What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet."
Interestingly, McKinnon also says he saw pictures of what looked like cigar-shaped UFOs on a NASA computer. Perhaps these and other NASA UFOs could be part of such a secret space program. With the Pentagon missing $2.3 trillion in transactions (according to Donald Rumsfeld), almost anything becomes feasible.
However there is much harder evidence than this of a secret US space program. On August 7, 1989, a very interesting article called Pentagon Leaves the Shuttle Program appeared in The New York Times. Amazingly, the article openly discussed the existence of a secret US military astronaut program in the late 1970s and 1980s: "In 1979, the Air Force Space Division in Los Angeles founded the Manned Spaceflight Engineer Program, an elite corps of military astronauts that was to specialize in deploying top-secret payloads. Mr Cassutt said corps members were told they would fly in space at least once. The secret program, he added, eventually trained 32 engineers and had an annual budget of about $4 million." Admittedly this is nowhere near the scale of the scenario in Alternative 3, but it is real, a little glimpse into the secret space program.
Many people look at the night sky and wonder whether mankind will ever reach the stars, perhaps we're a lot closer than we might think.

Friday 23 May 2008

Nick Cook, UFOs and the Nazi "Black World" - Richard's Room 101

So far in this column, we have explored the worlds of conspiracy theory and cult sci-fi, so in this edition of Room 101 we are going to, at last, dive into the strange realm of UFOs (or, at least, a closely related topic) with a piece on the work of military "black projects" expert Nick Cook. 

Nick Cook is a British defence journalist and author of the excellent non-fiction book The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology (2001). A serious and careful investigator, Cook has been associated with Jane's Defence Weekly (the world's leading international defence journal) since 1987, first as their Aviation Editor and now as their Aerospace Consultant. Refreshingly, Cook takes a non-judgmental stance towards UFOs and paranormal phenomena, and consequently cannot be considered either a sceptic or a believer.

I first became aware of Cook's work when I saw a documentary called Billion Dollar Secret, in which he narrated and appeared. The documentary detailed Cook's investigations of UFOs and so-called "black projects" (unacknowledged military/defence programmes) in the United States. Familiar examples of US military aircraft developed as "black projects," that have since gone "white," are the F-117 stealth fighter and B-2 stealth bomber.

In Billion Dollar Secret, Cook makes a fairly strong case for his theory that some UFO reports in the American Southwest could be explained by deeply classified "black" aircraft and super advanced technology, perhaps as one interviewee suggests: "fifty years ahead of anything you can imagine." Cook points out that the US Defence Department's "black budget" (money used to fund expenditures it does not want to disclose publicly) has been estimated to be about $30 billion annually, more than enough for the "black world" to build their own UFOs. Further, on September 10, 2001, US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld admitted to the media that amazingly: "According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions."

With that kind of money at the US Defence Department's disposal, almost anything becomes feasible, even, as Nick Cook suggests in his book, ultra-secret antigravity aircraft. The idea that the US military could have developed some new form of advanced technology in secret, such as antigravity, may sound fantastic, but it is not that unlikely when you consider that it has already happened once with stealth technology.

When stealth aircraft were still denied to exist and even thought impossible by most people, F-117 stealth fighters were already flying over the American Southwest. According to Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point, one even crashed at Bakersfield, California in 1986, two years before they were unveiled to the public. So the US military may well have other denied aircraft in the sky today and perhaps similar crashes of "black" military projects could explain some of the many alleged UFO crashes over the last sixty years. In Cook's second documentary UFOs: The Secret Evidence, he speculates that the famous Roswell UFO incident could be such a case.

 It is Cook's book and second documentary that really deserves our attention. In these, Cook explored what is known in the defence business as "The Legend," that the Nazis had invented flying saucers in the dying days of the Second World War and that, after the war, the Allies captured them. 

On the face of it at least, "The Legend" does provide a beautiful and down to Earth explanation for the origins of UFOs. We do know that the Nazis were perhaps decades ahead of the Allies in terms of jet aircraft and rocket weaponry, and that, after the war, the Allies did capture a great deal of technology and personnel from Germany (for instance V-2 rockets and Wernher von Braun). We also know that the Nazis did have some exotic designs and ideas for aircraft and that, during the war, some very mysterious aerial phenomena were seen in the skies over Europe, such as the famous foo fighters. Further, soon after the captured German scientists arrived in the American Southwest after the war to work, the modern UFO era began and, in July 1947, a flying saucer allegedly crashed near Roswell, New Mexico.

However, there are two big problems with "The Legend" as an explanation for the origins of UFOs. The first is that unknown aerial phenomena have been seen in the skies throughout all of human history, going right back to even Biblical times, not just since the Second World War. The second issue is that "The Legend" is just that: a legend or myth. There is no hard evidence that proves that the Nazis invented flying saucers or that the Allies captured them. 

However, as Cook discovers during his investigations, the Nazis were probably up to something strange towards the end of the war, perhaps something so significant and potentially dangerous that it is still being covered up today, over sixty years later. In The Hunt for Zero Point, Cook examines accounts and later, in UFOs: The Secret Evidence, he visits the alleged test site of a purported Nazi device, mysteriously known simply as "The Bell." 

"The Bell" was allegedly used in a secret antigravity experiment carried out by SS scientists near the village of Ludwikowice in southern Poland. The strange Nazi device was apparently extremely dangerous, supposedly causing sickness, mutation and even death to living things exposed to the device.

It should be stressed here that we cannot be sure whether "The Bell" really had anything to do with antigravity research or even that the device actually ever existed. However, the Nazis were definitely working on something near Ludwikowice, a strange abandoned test rig still stands there even today. Also, in Cook's book, a scientist contact takes "The Bell" seriously enough to suggest that it was perhaps a torsion field generator and that the Nazis may have been attempting to use it as some kind of time machine.
Whatever happened to "The Bell" (if it ever existed) we do not know, but Cook speculates in his book that its technology somehow fell into the hands of the US military after the war, perhaps as part of some deal made with the mysterious SS General Hans Kammler. It is certainly very suspicious that despite being put in charge of the V-2 missile programme and eventually all German aerospace programmes by the end of the war, Kammler mysteriously just disappeared, not just from the physical world but from most history books also. Could Kammler have been taken to the United States with the German scientists as part of the now-infamous Operation Paperclip?
Did the Nazis crack antigravity and pass on the secret to the US military after the war? 

Are some UFOs simply "black" antigravity aircraft?

Cook's conclusion is a careful "maybe." The Nazis were probably up to something strange towards the end of the war. However, all we know for certain is that after the war a number of German scientists were brought to the US to work on advanced aerospace programmes and that, since then, we have experienced an increase in sightings of strange objects seen in American skies, particularly in the American Southwest where these scientists worked. It could all just be a coincidence, but I somehow doubt it.

 However, there is a larger issue here than whether some UFOs could be "black projects" or not. The bigger concern is that some of the German scientists that were brought to the United States, and helped build the "black world" of unacknowledged military/defence programmes, were ardent Nazis. This means that it is entirely likely that the "black world" has inherited some of its parents' Nazi characteristics, and if this is the case, the fact that the "black world" has been fed with billions of American dollars over the years becomes even more worrisome. Perhaps it is about time Americans started asking what their money is being spent on and did away with the "black world."

Friday 25 April 2008

"Manchurian Candidates," Mind Control Experiments and Assassinations - Richard's Room 101

In this edition of Richard's Room 101, we are going discuss one of the strangest conspiracy theories that I have ever heard of, but still think is somewhat credible and at least half believable. The conspiracy theory is that the CIA has used (and is maybe still using) brainwashing techniques to create"Manchurian candidates."

The term "Manchurian candidate" originates from the 1959 novel of the same name by Richard Condon. The best-seller was later adapted into two popular films: the 1962 original version starring Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey and the 2004 remake starring Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep. The classic novel is about the creation of a programmed assassin by communist Chinese brainwashers in Manchuria during the Korean War. The brainwashed assassin, an American POW, returns to America unknowingly programmed to kill the President of the United States. 
In the real world, the Chinese did use public confessions extracted from American POWs for propaganda purposes during the Korean War, more than half of American POWs were said to have confessed to war crimes and, strangely, some former POWs continued to stick to their confessions long after they had been returned back home to the United States. This led some Americans to speculate that the Chinese were not only using traditional torture to extract forced confessions but that they were also using more exotic techniques such as drugs and even hypnosis to brainwash their prisoners.  
Such wild speculation in the paranoid atmosphere of the early Cold War would lead to the CIA MK-ULTRA programme, the most infamous of all the American mind control programmes. Experiments were carried out on people without their knowledge or consent, subjects were hypnotised and given dangerous drugs, and very sadly some experiments were even fatal.
Many conspiracy theorists allege that the CIA did not only want to develop the ultimate interrogation technique but that they were also eager to develop the perfect CIA agent, what could be called a "sleeper agent," that, once activated, would carry out their mission and block any memory of what they had done afterwards. After being programmed these "Manchurian candidates" could be activated at any time and could be used for spying or perhaps even assassinations. 
MK-ULTRA and similar mind control programmes like Operation ARTICHOKE are documented history, but whether such programmes were ultimately successful in any such quest to create a "Manchurian candidate" or whether such agents were ever used is much less certain. However, there have been several very suspicious assassinations of prominent people in America since the 1960s, from JFK to John Lennon. Is it possible that at least some of these deaths could be the work of a "Manchurian candidate"?
Perhaps the strangest was the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy on June 5th, 1968, in Los Angeles, only 63 days after Dr Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis and less than five years after his older brother, President John F. Kennedy, was killed in Dallas.
I recently watched a new documentary film about the Robert F. Kennedy assassination called "RFK Must Die" by Shane O'Sullivan. I first heard about this documentary on the BBC's very high-profile Newsnight programme, Newsnight showed a report by O'Sullivan made up of extracts from his film and interviewed him afterwards. In the report, O'Sullivan showed new footage that he believed proved that three CIA agents were present on the night RFK was assassinated, suggesting these men were connected with the assassination in some way. In the film, O'Sullivan suggests these CIA agents were perhaps handlers for Sirhan Sirhan, the alleged shooter, who may have been hypnotised to kill RFK or just cause a distraction while someone else shoots him.
Certainly, if the CIA or anyone else were looking for someone to hypnotize, they could not have picked a better subject. In the documentary, O'Sullivan covers how Sirhan's defence team discovered that Sirhan was extremely hypnotizable. Amazingly, Defence Psychiatrist Dr Bernhard Diamond hypnotised Sirhan into climbing his cell bars like a monkey. The unusual idea of Sirhan's defence hypnotizing him arose in the first place because Sirhan claimed he could not remember shooting Kennedy. To this day, Sirhan maintains he cannot remember what happened that night and has only been able to recall what happened under hypnosis.
There are also other signs that Sirhan was hypnotized on the night of the assassination. Witnesses who saw Sirhan before the assassination that night said that he looked like he was in a trance and later after the assassination when police shined a torch in Sirhan's eyes his pupils were dilated as if Sirhan had been drugged.
As far as I can see there are three main possibilities. One, Sirhan killed RFK exactly the way the mainstream history books said he did and he is lying about not remembering. Two, Sirhan hypnotized himself into killing RFK, or three, Sirhan was hypnotized to kill RFK by someone else, perhaps the CIA. Personally, I find it hard to believe that Sirhan has been lying about not remembering for 40 years. If he had said he remembered and showed some remorse, he could have been out of prison by now. That leaves us with possibilities two and three, of which I slightly favour three because of O'Sullivan's film evidence that three CIA agents or at least three very strangely behaving people were present the night of the assassination.
Anyone interested in the case should watch Shane O'Sullivan's film "RFK Must Die" and decide for themselves what they think happened. However, whatever the truth, I think Sirhan deserves a new trial where all the evidence is brought to the jury and let them have the last say on this strange and very sad page in history.