Showing posts with label experiences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label experiences. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Swansea Ghosts

Bevly Louise tells us about her ghost story.

My Paranormal Story
By Bevly Louise
I'm not really interested in the paranormal (and I'm not really sure that I believe in a lot of stories) but I do have an awesome paranormal story for you. Between last christmas and new year I held a small party at my house. After everyone else had gone two of my closest (male) friends decided to stay up drinking. I was tired and it was about 5.00am so I went to bed and left them to the sofas. About two hours later, I could hear one of them (Jarrad) calling my name from the stairs. He'd gotten lost in the house and was in a real state and couldn't remember where my room was (note: it's not a big house; he was just very drunk and stupid). Once I calmed him down he told me that there were ghosts downstairs and I needed to come down and "sort it out". I went down in full sceptic mode to find my other friend (Mike) curled up in a ball in a corner. Apparently Mike had seen two old men and a young man who had appeared in the house and stood in the room questioning how my friends knew me and what was going on. My friend Jarrad's story changed frequently, but settled on him denying having seen them himself. However, he did say that one of the men had told him that their name (Tony). Both fully grown (quite masculine) men were visibly shaken and wouldn't be left alone. Neither boy would let me go back to sleep and would not be alone (even went to the toilet together). At first, I assumed that these were burglars and checked the house. Then I thought that maybe they were neighbours (but afterwards confirmed that they hadn't come into the house). I doubt that they were "guests" at the party since I myself locked everything up before going to bed and my friends would not have been scared if they'd let someone in. My mum pointed out later that when I was young the man living next door was my godfather and called Tony. My friends refuse to talk about it now (or when they do, they joke and put up a lot of bravado) so I guess I'll never know what happened.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Readers' UFO sightings

This is where I’ll be posting readers' UFO sightings.

"The only sighting I had was 1 year ago it was night at 10 or 11pm, I was at the top floor of our new house when I saw 2 flashing red lights following a plane, at first I thought they were the plane lights, but then they started moving away from the plane then they moved to the right then left again and kept doing that for a while then suddenly disappeared, I’ve never seen an air craft that moves from right to left for almost a minute then disappear suddenly, I told my brother and my family but they didn’t believe me, I hope I see it again, next time I’ll use my camera like the tons of videos on You Tube uploaded every day."

 Mohammed from Cairo, Egypt

"Briefly, in 2007 I took a sequence of photographs (6 in total) - at the end of July from my lounge window in Lockerbie, Scotland, of UFO's and a Mother Star ship in the sky. It is too long to inform you about all of the facts of that night and the night after, just to say that I submitted my photographs to an American Scientist who deals in UFO's - (Extra terrestrial in nature) - and he has informed me that, in his opinion, my photographs look like a "unique floating city in the sky" and from which there is a large amount of data to be gleaned. Since then I have had other sightings."
Lisa from Northumberland, England

If you’ve had a UFO sighting you’d like to share please contact Richard Thomas at

Monday 6 December 2010

Silvery-white over Swansea

I saw my first UFO in Swansea Bay, an inlet of the Bristol Channel, in January 2003. I was about 17 years old at the time and my father was driving me and my younger brother home from town along the Mumbles Road, Swansea. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the exact time of the sighting, but it was probably the early afternoon. It was definitely still very light outside.

While we were stopped at a red light, my eyes turned to the relatively cloudless sky and I saw what at first glance I took to be an aeroplane. I quickly realised, by the strange way the object was moving, that it could not have been. As well as being very curious, I remember getting a bit scared at this point because I really did not know what I was looking at.

The object was moving up and down diagonally from right to left over and over again in the sky. It was a shining white line or rod, almost silver in parts, and appeared to have small round lights spaced out equally in a horizontal line along the centre of its body. I got the impression that the lights were moving around the object.

After registering that what I was looking at was very odd, I pointed the strange moving object out to my father and younger brother. For some reason it took them both a little while to find the object in the sky. After watching and discussing this unusual object among ourselves for a couple of minuets, the traffic light turned green again and we began to move off. As we were moving away, I continued to watch the object for another minuet or so until, most strangely of all, the object suddenly disappeared in a silver flash.

A few weeks later, on February 1, 2003 (the same day as the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster), me and my younger brother had a second daylight sighting - very different to the first. This was of a yellow and orange fireball and was probably just a conventional meteor.

Whatever these two sightings were, they definitely had a very real and lasting effect on me and were chiefly responsible for my general interest in UFOs turning supernova. Back then I think I only had two or three books on UFOs but now I have a bookcase full, so these sightings definitely fuelled the flames of my interest in a big way.