Showing posts with label guest articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guest articles. Show all posts

Monday 29 November 2010

The Chemtrail Conspiracy

The following guest article is by conspiracy researcher and bestselling author Jim Marrs, whose latest book is The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America. You can find his website at


The Chemtrail Conspiracy
By Jim Marrs

The chemtrail issue is to me one of the most puzzling conspiracies going. To begin with, unlike most, it is not hidden. It is in plain sight. All one has to do is look up and take note of the long-lasting crisscrossing trails high in the atmosphere. Yet many people refuse to notice and when they do, they, shrug off the phenomenon as simply aircraft vapor trails or, more correctly, condensation trails.

Condensation trails, or contrails, have been a fixture in the skies since World War II when high altitude bombers would leave a trail of condensation behind their engines.

Any aircraft engine, jet or piston, produces warm, moist air which, when injected into the cold dry air of the upper atmosphere, results in a trail of water vapor or ice crystals that stream out behind the craft. Once these particles return to a cooler state, they evaporate back into the air. This vaporization can take place within 10 seconds or stretch to more than an hour depending on the temperature and humidity in the atmosphere. Since contrails primarily contain water, they present no real hazard to the population. Contrails do not normally occur under about 30,000 feet.

Chemtrails present another story. These trails do not evaporate but spread out and eventually form a cloudy haze over the entire sky. As World War II veteran David Oglesby noted after observing chemtrails in the sky above his California home: “The trails formed a grid patter. Some stretched from horizon to horizon. Some began abruptly, and other ended abruptly. They hung in the air for an extended period of time and gradually widened into wispy clouds resembling spider webs. I counted at least 11 different trails.”

The official debunking line that all observed trails in the sky are simply condensation trails falls apart when, as described by numerous observers, a short contrail and a lengthy chemtrail are seen simultaneously in the same portion of sky and at approximately the same altitude. As one Above Top Secret forum member put it: “Keep looking up and you’ll eventually see contrails and chemtrails side by side in the air and once you see two planes of similar size laying trails at the same altitude and they don’t match, then you know something is amiss.” Another asked, “How come one day there are numerous trails crisscrossing each other in the sky but on the next day, with no change in the climate, there are no trails in the sky. Did all aircraft suddenly stop flying?”

A Harvard School of Public Health study determined that respirable suspended particles can be inhaled and can transport carcinogens and other toxic substances deep into the lungs resulting in respiratory illnesses like bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.

High levels of Barium, along with aluminum oxide, already had been identified among the contents of chemtrails by tests. During a three month period in 2002, three separate rainwater and snow samples from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, were collected and submitted for formal double-blind laboratory analysis. Therese Aigner, an accredited environmental engineer, found significant amounts of barium, aluminum, calcium, magnesium and titanium in the samples, all of which had a verified chain of custody. Ms Aigner concluded that that the consistency of the findings indicated “a very controlled delivery (dispersion) of chemtrails by aircraft in your area.” She added that whoever was responsible for the chemtrails was violating more than a half dozen federal laws and regulations.

A 1974 classified study made by the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger in 1974 entitled, “National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” This study, also known as The Kissinger Report, stated that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries represented a serious threat to U.S. national security. The study was adopted as official policy in November, 1975 by unelected President Gerald Ford and implemented by Brent Scowcroft, who had replaced Kissinger as national security adviser. NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in Third World countries through birth control, war and famine. Then CIA Director George H. W. Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture.

In a 1981 interview concerning overpopulation, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and ranking Council on Foreign Relations member Maxwell Taylor, after advocating population reduction through limited wars, disease and starvation, blithely concluded, “I have already written off more than a billion people. These people are in places in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We can’t save them. The population crisis and the food-supply question dictate that we should not even try. It’s a waste of time.”

Voicing the same philosophy as Taylor and other globalist members, England’s Prince Philip in People magazine stated, “Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disaster if it isn't curbed— not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they'll consume, the more pollution they'll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn't controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.” Years later, Philip mused, “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”

Supporting this eugenics policy of involuntary depopulation was a young academic who helped anti-natalist guru Paul Ehrlich and his wife Anne write the book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment. This work states, “If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can [could] be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility – just as they can be required to exercise responsibility in their resource-consumption patterns….” The book went on to express the desire for “a Planetary regime” for controlling all human economic activity and interactions with the environment. The authors suggested the “power to enforce the agreed limits” on population growth by whatever means necessary. This includes involuntary sterilization, abortion, or even mass involuntary sterilization through the infiltration of sterilizing agents into public water supplies and even into the air.

The young academic who helped author this call for involuntary population reduction was John Holdren, now the US “Science Czar,” advising President Obama on science matters.

So, it appears that the chemtrail issue has become less of a philosophical concern and more of an urgent self-defense issue.


Thursday 26 August 2010

The Truth Behind Roswell

The following guest article is by Rupert Matthews, author of the book Roswell.


The Truth Behind Roswell
By Rupert Matthews

When I first started investigating the Roswell UFO Crash in detail there were two aspects that really surprised me. The first was the date on which the Flying Saucer was alleged to have crashed into the desert near Roswell: July 1947. The second was the date on which the investigation into the apparent crash had begun: 1978.

My previous reading on the Roswell Crash had, I must admit, been rather sketchy and had been restricted to secondary sources such as magazine articles or books written by people who had not been there. I had somehow come to form the impression that the crash had taken place in the 1950s and had been investigated at the time. Shows how wrong you can be.

As I started to work my way through the assorted eyewitness accounts given in interviews, written as letters or in books I was in for another surprise. Nobody had claimed to have seen a UFO crash near Roswell at all. One person had seen a UFO. Another had heard a loud bang and seen some scraps of debris. A third had seen the US military cordon off a large area of ground. A fourth had seen a crashed aircraft of some kind. A fifth had seen some dead bodies.

However, when all the various accounts were put together they did form a cohesive story that held together pretty well. Quite clearly something very odd and unusual had fallen from the skies on to the desert near Roswell in early July 1947. The United States Air Force had moved quickly to recover the object and had thrown a veil of secrecy around the whole incident. Those who had seen debris from the crash all agreed that it was composed of very odd materials that they did not recognise and that it had some odd properties.

But I kept getting pulled back to the two initial surprises. The early date bothered me. July 1947 was a long time ago, even further in terms of UFO research. The epochal sighting by Kenneth Arnold that propelled Flying Saucers into the international media had taken place on 24 June 1947 - just over a week before the alleged crash at Roswell. That timing had two important impacts on the Roswell story.

The first is that Flying Saucers (or Flying Disks as they were also termed in 1947) were a major news item across the media at the time. Everyone was talking about them, far more than is the case today. The second was that there was no generally agreed description of what a UFO was like (and even the term UFO had not been coined). These were very early days indeed. It was possible that almost any unusual object in the sky or falling to the ground would be described as being a Flying Saucer. So just because the people who saw the object that fell at Roswell called it a Flying Saucer does not mean that it was what we would today term a UFO.

Reading the very few descriptions of the object given by those who claim to have seen it, does not read like more recent witness statements of a UFO. The object was said to be roughly triangular or conical in shape with stubby little wings or fins. There does not seem to have been anything terribly odd about it all, it sounds very mundane.

The fact that investigations did not begin until more than 30 years after the event also bothered me. Several of the key witnesses had died over the years. Their accounts survived only second hand. A neighbour remembered what one man had told him 30 years earlier. A son recalled what his father had told him. Such accounts are intrinsically vague and lack detail. Crucially the person is not there for the investigator to ask for more detail or to seek out cross references. Other witnesses were still alive, but they were being asked to recall events more than 30 years old. The human memory is a notoriously frail and deceptive thing. Dates can be blurred and details merged. One of the witnesses who was able to give a very good and clear description of dead bodies could not be certain when he had seen them - he did not even know which year never mind the precise day. Even more alarming is the fact that we humans are rational creatures and we seek to rationalise events. We are all capable of misremembering events so that they fit into an accepted pattern better than what we actually saw. After 30 years all sorts of details could easily be forgotten or remembered incorrectly.

By the time I was half way through my research I had almost given up hope of ever finding out what had really happened at Roswell back in 1947. There were so many contradictions in the evidence, so many details that did not match, so many accounts that were vague.

But then I decided to take a step back from all the mass of fine detail and look at the bigger picture. There was one thing that all those people who had been in Roswell in 1947 did agree on. Something had happened and that something had been very odd indeed. True, some witnesses contradicted each other. True, some details that at first seemed linked to the crash turned out to be quite unrelated. True, some apparent facts turned out to be nothing of the sort.

But in the final analysis something fell out of the sky in early July 1947. The United States Air Force did move quickly to collect the wreckage, then quickly launched a determined effort to kill the story and keep the find secret.

Can I tell you what it was that fell from the sky? No. There are several possibilities that would fit the evidence - and an alien spacecraft is but one of those.

Rupert Matthews is the author of the book Roswell which is available on Amazon and from all good bookshops. You can find Rupert’s website at He also maintains a blog about the unexplained at

Tuesday 29 June 2010

UFO Crashes in Britain

The following guest article is by Rupert Matthews, author of the book Roswell.

UFO Crashes in Britain
By Rupert Matthews

The evidence for UFO sightings, and landings, in the UK is widespread, numerous and often compelling. But when it comes to UFO crashes, I find that most people simply shake their heads. “You mean Roswell,” they say. But I don’t mean Roswell. I mean UFO crashes in Britain.

Now, I would be the first to admit that the evidence pointing to the fact that any UFO had ever actually come down in Britain is nowhere near as impressive as that for UFO sightings or voluntarily landings, but that does not mean that it does not exist.

Take, for instance, the events at Conisholme, Lincolnshire, in January 2009. In the winter’s evening several locals reported seeing two orange-red spheres flying over this small village some miles northeast of Louth. The objects were trailing what appeared to be yellowish arms or threads behind them. Suddenly there came the most almighty bang, followed by a vicious whirling noise. Before long police were on the scene, cordoning off access to the nearby wind farm. Something had hit one of the enormous wind turbines, smashing one 65-foot long blade and mangling a second. Whatever had hit the turbine had not only done some impressive damage, it had also left behind a small quantity of lightweight material.

Opinions differ as to what had happened. The company that runs the windfarm, Ecotricity, refused to speculate. They merely confirmed that a turbine had been damaged and was being repaired. Some locals thought that a stealth aircraft from one of the nearby air bases had been to blame. Others said they knew what a stealth aircraft looked like at night - or rather what its jet engines looked like - and that the orange balls had not been that. They blamed a UFO.

Even if the wind turbine at Conisholme had been destroyed by a collision with a UFO, I am not sure that this truly counts as a UFO crash. Nobody reported the object having actually impacted the earth at all.

Other events reported in the press as being a “UFO Crash” turn out to be more or less routine sightings dressed up to make the headline more exciting. On 26 January 2009, for instance, a woman walking her dog along Baytree Road in Clevedon, Somerset, saw a cigar- or rocket- shaped UFO plummet to the ground accompanied by a shrieking or howling noise. The object came down in the playing fields of a school, rested there for a while, then the noise restarted and the object took off at high speed heading west. Dramatic stuff, but quite clearly the object did not crash - as the newspaper headlines next day had it - but had landed and then taken off again.

Rather better known is the Berwyn Mountain Incident of 1974. On the evening of 23 January several people in northern Wales and adjacent areas of England reported seeing green lights in the sky. The lights were reported to be spherical or saucer shaped and to be moving erratically in odd patterns and formations. Then, at 8.38pm, residents around the Berwyn Mountain in Wales heard a deafening rumbling explosion and the ground shook. People came out into the streets. One man said he had seen lights over the mountain just before the crash and speculated that an aircraft had crashed. Phone calls were put through to the emergency services. While waiting for more help to arrive, the local policeman rounded up a nurse and went up on to the mountain to see if they could help.

Not long afterwards a convoy of army trucks arrived, the men cordoned off the mountain and refused admittance to anyone. The policeman and nurse came back down under army escort. They said that they had seen lights and debris as if from a crash, but had been instructed to leave. The nurse would later say that she had got close to the crash and seen bodies that did not seem to be human.

The official explanation for the events at Berwyn are that an unusually large meteor hurtled across the sky at the same time that an earthquake struck Berwyn. Some geologists have speculated that the lights were the rare, and largely unexplained phenomenon, of earthquake lights which are sometimes reported in the air just before earthquakes strike. Others remain convinced that it was a UFO that crashed at Berwyn, though very little of the craft seems to have survived the impact.

Rupert Matthews is the author of the book Roswell which is available on Amazon and from all good bookshops. You can find Rupert’s website at He also maintains a blog about the unexplained at

Friday 25 June 2010

Bridport Museum

The following guest article is by Rupert Matthews, author of the book Poltergeists.


Bridport Museum
By Rupert Matthews

I have heard a lot of stories about haunted museums, curses in museums (usually related to Egyptian objects) and so forth. Let's face it, museums can be spooky places with all that old stuff sitting around, and after they close they can be double spooking. The only first hand experience I have had concerned the Bridport Museum in South Street, Bridport. Here is what my report said about it:

"Considerably more welcoming is the genial old gent who haunts what is now Bridport Museum in South Street. The building is more than four centuries old, having been built as a coaching inn but later doing service as a bank, a club and a private house. It is the owner of the building from Edwardian times, one Captain Albert Codd, who haunts the place. He is seen dressed in what was his favourite smoking jacket of bright yellow hue and black trousers. Captain Codd loved his house, and left it to the town council to serve as a museum. He is presumably happy with the results for his ghost seems to be most at ease and relaxed. In 2006 he appeared to a member of staff in January. The old boy smiled gently, then turned and walked around a corner to vanish completely.

"The museum may also have a haunted fireplace. The chimney from the grand fireplace in the main room on the ground floor is blocked off and no fire is ever lit there, the building having efficient central heating. Despite this visitors sometimes see a fire blazing merrily in the grate and sometimes a young lady in Victorian costume warming herself by the flames.

"In 2005 the museum acquired a new and rather sinister exhibit in the form of a haunted dress. The beautiful 17th century gown was left to the museum and is undoubtedly a fine example of the work of local seamstresses. However it also attracts a young lady ghost who walks about the vicinity of wherever the dress is at the time. She seems to be rather protective of the garment, as if it holds some special memories for her. She is no real bother, except for the fact that she appears with startling regularity. No wonder the dress was bequeathed to the museum."

The member of staff did not want their name in print, so I left it out. She was actually the receptionist and was very informative. The sighting took place at 8.40am one morning when she was getting the reception desk ready for the museum to open to the public at 9am. She was pottering about tidying up the postcard display when she saw somebody enter the reception area from the door leading to the staircase. There were a couple of other members of staff in the building at the time and she assumed that the new arrival was one of them. She said something, small talk like "chilly this morning, isn't it", then she turned to see who it was. And there was this man she did not recognise. She was very surprised, thinking that a member of the public had got into the museum somehow. She was about to call out for another member of staff when the old man smiled at her and she suddenly thought that he was not threatening and seemed to belong there, not to be a member of the public. Then he turned and walked off. Only after he had gone did she think it might have been the ghost. She called her colleague and asked him what the ghost was supposed to look like - old man, yellow jacket etc - and she realised it had been the ghost.

Rupert Matthews is the author of the book "Poltergeists" which is available on Amazon and from all good bookshops. You can find Rupert’s website at He also maintains a blog about the unexplained at

Sunday 6 June 2010

Musings on a Secret Space Program‏

The following guest article is by UFO historian Richard Dolan, author of the book UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991.


Musings on a Secret Space Program‏
By Richard Dolan

Slowly, by degrees, I have come to the opinion that there is a secret space program. I recall, for instance, wondering about the alleged anomalies on Mars early on in my research. Back then, I was in correspondence with an individual who had impressive scientific and intelligence credentials. Attempting to feel him out on the topic, I wrote something a bit flippant about Mars, primarily to see what his reaction would be. Sure enough, he replied soberly that I should not dismiss these anomalies, that there were in fact many people within the classified world who took them seriously.

That’s when I realized, very concretely, that the notion of space anomalies was indeed a serious topic. I began to consider: if there is covert interest in the anomalies on Mars, would there be a covert space program to investigate? To this day, I don’t know the answer with certainty, but over the years I have encountered no shortage of quiet, serious-minded people who tell me of their knowledge that there is such a covert program. One component of this, it appears, has to do with the Moon. Are there bases on the far side of the Moon? Again, I do not know for sure, but I cannot rule it out. More than once, people I consider to be informed insiders have steered me in this direction.

There is another reason to suppose the existence of an advanced, clandestine space program. An enormous amount of video of space missions has been downloaded and is available for anyone to see. These include missions of NASA, the European Space Agency, Russia, and China. Much of this was downloaded and made available by a gentleman named Jeff Challender, who unfortunately died in 2007. Jeff spent an enormous part of his life downloading and reviewing – very carefully – video recordings of those missions. There can be no denying that there has been a great deal of activity in Earth’s orbit. Much of what was recorded undoubtedly has conventional explanations. But, frankly, many events do not offer easy explanations. I firmly believe there is something unusual going on in Earth’s orbit. Fortunately, after Jeff’s death, I was able to upload his entire site and attach it to my own. His site, known as Project Prove, now has a permanent home at

Look at it this way. If you believe there are anomalies on Mars, and if you acknowledge strange activity in Earth’s orbit, you would have a very good reason to initiate a secret space program, would you not? You would want a way to investigate these things in a way that would not be seen by the prying eyes of the public.

I’ve also come to the opinion over the years that part of the classified world – the part that deals with the ET reality – has essentially “broken away” from our own conventional civilization. That is, utilizing the jumpstart they received by studying exotic, alien technology, they have very likely achieved scientific breakthroughs that they have not shared with the rest of us. I think that these breakthroughs have enabled them to employ technologies substantially beyond what we are using, and that in all likelihood this too has contributed to their secret space program.

It’s important to emphasize that the above is primarily conjecture on my part. I consider it my working hypothesis. Proving it will to take a great deal of effort and dedication. It also means not being sucked in by every new person who has claimed to have traveled to Mars. We need to remain clear headed.

Richard Dolan
Rochester, New York
June 3, 2010

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Young People and UFO Research

The following guest article is by Women of Esoterica contributor Karyn Dolan. You can find the Women of Esoterica website at

Young People and UFO Research
By Karyn Dolan

 I’ve been attending UFO conferences around the world since 2001. Wherever I go, I hear the same question discussed: Where’s the next generation of researchers? Everyone’s worried that when the present crop of researchers decides to hang up their Geiger counters and laptops, no one will carry the torch, apathy will set in, and the whole UFO question will fade into the twilight.

Why does this matter? After all, many people consider it a kooky hobby, a little wacky but probably harmless. They certainly wouldn’t see why anyone should care if UFO research fizzled out like pog collecting. (That did fizzle out, right?)

Most of the UFO researchers I know have asked themselves that same question, in one form or another, at some time in their lives. Yes, we know it’s a little "out there." We’re used to seeing people at work roll their eyes when we ask for time off to attend the Roswell UFO Festival, or the International MUFON symposium. Despite all the skeptics who say we’re all in it for the money, this is not a field one enters in order to get rich. Let’s face it, this is not a field one enters in order to get respect, either; at least not outside our own field. We all have moments when we ask ourselves why the heck we keep at it.

The thing is, there’s a larger issue at stake. We’ve all looked at the evidence for the existence of objects that have yet to be identified. It’s there. Sure, there are lots of cases that have been identified as atmospheric phenomena, as misidentified aircraft, as many other unusual things. But enough anomalies remain to convince anyone who honestly considers the evidence that there’s more out there than we know.

There are plenty of official statements explaining away the anomalies. The problem is that many of these excuses are far less plausible even than the idea that an object may in fact be unidentifiable. Consider the case of the Phoenix Lights. In 1997, thousands of people witnessed lights in the sky over Arizona, moving slowly in a V-shaped formation. One of the official explanations of this event was that flares had been dropped from conventional aircraft. Witnesses were dumbfounded at the suggestion that they had somehow mistaken flares, which fall at varying speeds, individually rather than in formation, and give off clouds of smoke, for a row of stationary lights on a slow-moving, V-shaped craft which moved horizontally rather than vertically and gave off no smoke at all. Another suggestion put forward to explain the Phoenix Lights, which were visible over a period of about three hours on this occasion, was that city lights were reflecting off the bellies of migrating geese. While geese are indeed known to fly in a V-shaped formation, and do in fact have light-colored feathers on their undersides, this explanation was just as ridiculous as the first.

Such cases as this prove to many people that not only are UFOs real, but that our authorities don’t want us asking about it. That immediately raises hackles for many people. We don’t like being treated like children who need to be protected from the truth. If something is going on, we want to know about it. I am a parent, and I understand that my kids don’t need to know about every upsetting thing that goes on in the world. But I also understand that they do need to be allowed to face facts, and to learn to live with the world as it is, not as someone else wants to pretend it is. Our government and military leaders need to be held accountable, to be prevented from patronizing us in this way. They need to stop keeping secrets from the people they serve; from us.

With that in mind, and recalling the question many of my friends and colleagues were asking about where to find the next generation of UFO researchers, I decided to ask my kids and some of their friends to join me on my weekly radio program to discuss the question. In the end, one friend was able to join my son and daughter on the show.

Now, I have to mention that all three of these young people, whose ages range between eleven and fifteen, have been homeschooled, and are very critical thinkers. My own two kids have grown up in an unusual household: my husband wrote a history titled UFOs and the National Security State, a projected three-volume work of which two are completed and published. We travel to UFO conferences nearly every month, and even took them with us to one where they met and spoke with astronaut Edgar Mitchell. I host the above-mentioned radio program that deals with UFOs and paranormal topics.

By contrast, their friend comes from a household with a more down-to-earth (literally!) approach to life, where UFOs are not a regular topic of dinner table conversation. He was unfamiliar with much of the UFO literature and evidence, and asked me to explain the cases I asked them about. Admittedly, I accept the existence of UFOs and he knows it, but I still tried to present information fairly, sticking to the facts.

The results of this conversation were heartening. All three asked excellent questions about the cases I mentioned, and all thought over my answers before responding. They didn’t respond with knee-jerk agreement, or with automatic rejection of any piece of evidence. They told me when they thought certain things were unlikely, or when they disagreed with a statement. But all three of them said that logically, they couldn’t see why life wouldn’t exist anywhere but on Earth; and if there is life elsewhere, they could find no reason why it shouldn’t eventually come here. They were fascinated by witness accounts and evidence, and quick to dismiss statements that had no supporting evidence.

I believe we have our next generation of researchers. I think we have a generation of thoughtful, intelligent people growing up and watching what’s happening in the world around them. When the time comes, they won’t hesitate to hold our leaders accountable for their statements and their actions concerning what has been called the truth embargo concerning UFOs. If by the time we are ready to retire, we haven’t yet broken open the vault of secrecy on this subject, they’ll be there, ready and willing to take up the task and continue to press on. And that’s what it’s all about.

Karyn Dolan hosts "Through the Keyhole" each week on the Paranormal Radio Network. For more information on her work, go to

Tuesday 18 May 2010

RAF Rudloe Manor and the UFO Files

The following guest article is by Rupert Matthews, author of the book Roswell.


RAF Rudloe Manor and the UFO Files
By Rupert Matthews

I think I first heard about the highly secretive military base at Rudloe Manor when I used to go down to visit relatives in Bath. That would have been sometime in the 1970s. We went to visit local sites, including Lacock Abbey, Solsbury Hill and Bath Abbey.

One time we went to see the Box Tunnel - that great engineering marvel of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. As we stood watching the trains thundering up and down the main line from London to Bristol I noticed a high wire fence topped by barbed wire and hung with notices indicating that dire penalties would come to anyone who strayed over the fence.

"What’s over there?" I asked my uncle.

He glanced at the fence. "Oh, some RAF place," he replied. "Very hush hush." And we went back to watching the trains.

That was during the Cold War, of course, and everyone who knew about Rudloe Manor assumed that the highly secretive things that went on there had something to do with tracking Soviet aircraft, intercepting Soviet radio messages or some other top secret defensive purpose. It never crossed our minds back then that Rudloe Manor had anything to do with UFOs.

It was not until some 20 years later that I began to hear rumours that the well guarded base at Rudloe Manor might have some UFO link. One of the boys I had been at school with was by then a Flight Lieutenant in the RAF. One time when he was on leave and we were down the pub I mentioned about RAF Rudloe Manor. He fixed me with a cool stare.

"I don’t know what goes on there," he said. "And I suggest you don’t ask too many questions. Brass hats can get very touchy about places like that."

"Interesting," I thought.

By the later 1990s the rumours had begun to take a more definite form. All the information came from serving or former RAF personnel who had worked at Rudloe Manor. Understandably, these people preferred to remain anonymous as they feared the government might prosecute them for breaching the Official Secrets Act. A perfectly reasonable concern, but it had the effect of making it impossible to check whether these witnesses had ever worked at Rudloe Manor and, if so, in what capacity. Inevitably this led some to suspect that the stories were not as reliable as they might be.

According to these reports, there was a vast underground complex beneath the apparently innocuous barracks and office buildings scattered in the grounds of the old manor house. This much could be checked out and was accurate. The manor had been taken over by the RAF at the start of World War II precisely because these huge underground caverns existed. They were the abandoned workings from which the much prized Bath Stone had been quarried out in the 19th century. Being deep underground the tunnels and caves were, of course, proof against German bombing. From 1940 onward a whole range of government and military units and installations were located in the tunnels of Rudloe Manor where they would be safe from the Luftwaffe. Much of what went on there at the time is now well known and while it was all vital to the war effort is hardly controversial.

When the war ended, however, the government did not return Rudloe Manor and its underground caverns to its prewar owners as happened to most wartime acquisitions. It was kept by the government. And it was kept very secret. It has since been revealed that one function of the caves was to house a government communications centre that would be activated if a nuclear war began. Other uses of the caves remain highly classified and top secret.

One of these top secret purposes is the Central Computer Complex (CCC). Quite what the CCC does is not entirely clear. Some say it controls the Trident nuclear missile firing systems, others that it has a role in 'sigint' or signals intelligence. Nobody really knows. One of the most intriguing of the few facts to come out of CCC is that there is another section of the caverns under Rudloe Manor that is accessed only through CCC (itself heavily guarded and accessed only by those with high security clearance) by way of a door that is guarded 24/7 and that only a few of those cleared to enter CCC are permitted to pass.

Now what can be behind that door? Obviously something highly sensitive.

Back on the surface, Rudloe Manor has long been the HQ of the RAF Provost & Security Services (PSS), which is responsible for all aspects of security affecting the RAF. It includes personnel from MI5 and MI6 who liaise with the PSS and - at least from time to time if not permanently - CIA personnel as well. We know from declassified government documents that the PSS collated and sifted UFO reports for several decades. They binned any reports that they felt could be explained as sightings of aircraft, birds, planets and so forth, then investigated those that remained unexplained. Several of those unexplained reports were swiftly taken off the desks of the lowly staff at PSS and sent for analysis "elsewhere" - to behind that door in CCC apparently.

In the early 1990s UFO investigators in Britain began to notice that there was a cluster of high quality sightings over the Box-Rudloe-Corsham area of Wiltshire. This reminded some of a similar cluster of sightings over Warminster, a few miles to the south, in the 1960s. Intrigued, investigators began paying more attention. The sightings were found to centre over Rudloe and to consist largely of UFOs without wings that pulsated with colours of blue, red or green. Often they were said to be diamond or conical in shape.

So what can we say with confidence about RAF Rudloe Manor. Well, it is top secret, contains vast underground caverns that are off limits to all but a very few people with top level security clearance, has been part of the RAF UFO investigation process and is a centre for UFO sightings. Beyond that we really don’t know. Some claim that the place is a liaison venue for the British government to interract with aliens. Others that objects retrieved from UFOs are stored there.

Perhaps one day we will know the truth.

Rupert Matthews is the author of the book Roswell which is available on Amazon and from all good bookshops. You can find Rupert’s website at He also maintains a blog about the unexplained at